Happy New Year everyone!

I have to tell you one regret this year!!

CentOS Linux 8 was officially terminated yesterday, December 31, 2021:

CentOS you should be familiar with, English full name: Community Enterprise Operating System, a free distribution of RHEL, is the most widely used and popular commercial Linux distribution on the market.

Back on December 8, 2020, CentOS officially announced that CentOS Linux would be discontinued after one year:

CentOS 8 will also be the most short-lived CentOS system, with the focus on CentOS Stream projects.

CentOS system life cycle:

The operating system Stop time
CentOS Linux 7 2024-06-30
CentOS Linux 8 2021-12-31 (Discontinued)
CentOS Stream 8 2024-05-31
CentOS Stream 9 It’s expected in 2027

The e end of CentOS 8 means that CentOS Stream will be the world.

CentOS Stream is a rolling Linux distribution developed by RHEL. There is no longer a big version like CentOS Linux 6/7/8, but a rolling minor version that prioritises new features and new kernels. Release the RHEL version after it stabilizes.

In other words, CentOS Stream is an upstream branch of RHEL, whereas CentOS Linux was a downstream branch based on RHEL. Now it’s the other way around. It looks like CentOS Stream is a test version of ENTERPRISE paid RHEL. The e reliability and stability are certainly not as good as CentOS Linux.

It is not clear whether CentOS Stream can be used in the production environment. Take Tencent Cloud to create cloud servers as an example:

Tencent Cloud does not provide CentOS Stream public image, but CentOS 8.x is still available. Will it be removed after the festival, or will there be subsequent migration support? We will continue to wait and see.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use CentOS Stream in the production environment. If you already use CentOS 8, you are advised to switch back to CentOS 7 or choose another system. After all, CentOS 8 does not support CentOS Stream. CentOS 7 will also be available until June 30, 2024, with no immediate impact.

Is red Hat forcing people to use the enterprise paid version of RHEL? Only it knows the secret!

Will CentOS Stream be available after 2024? Or will you choose the paid version? Or will choose other Linux distribution, stack length will continue to pay attention to, pay attention to the public number of Java technology stack, public number first push.

Finally, I wish you all a happy 2022 New Year, the Year of the Tiger, live, live!!

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