Not disorderly in the heart, not trapped in the mood. Not afraid of the future, forget the past. So, well!

The above sentence from Feng Zikai’s “no pet no surprise life”, this sentence is a realm of life, if you can really do it, it is to live to the highest realm of life!

The year 2019 looks like a river that has passed away in the east and will never come back. Use this to summarize the dribs and drabs of the article, so as to fill the gaps for 2020.

About the Official Account

Ten articles were written this year, far fewer than the flag set last year. But the overall quality of this year’s articles has improved. Most of them took at least 2 weeks to summarize and learn before they were written, and it took at least 5 hours to write each article. This year I also tried to write something outside of technology, although it seems that the public account may be a bit nondescribable, but I wrote these words more for their original intention to leave some records.

Here’s a summary of this year’s articles. First of all, Skr Shop series has completed 8 pieces with a total of 842 stars so far. The distance from 800STAR we set at the beginning of the year can be regarded as KPI completion.

[SKR-Shop] Universal lottery tool requirements analysis

[SKR-Shop] marketing system begins

Requirement analysis of shopping cart design in SKR-Shop

[SKR-shop] Coder, can you design a trading system? (Practical Work)

[SKR-shop] Coder, can you design a trading system? (Concept)

[SKR-Shop] Basic product information of e-commerce design manual

[SKR-Shop] payment development, have to know the domestic and international third-party payment process

[SKR-Shop] user system of e-commerce design manual

Many people think business is boring, but the basis of the Internet is the transfer of business from offline to online, how to bring users better experience, more stable service is the most important thing. In 2020, I will continue to make efforts to improve this series, and I really hope that this series can be helpful to those who do e-commerce and system design.

I have written 3 articles related to protocol in technical aspects; There are two Golang related articles. That’s sort of a summary of the job skills.

Walk into Golang run with Plan9 assembly

Step into the compiler principles of Golang

An introduction to HTTP for highly concurrent architectures

Introduction to TCP knowledge of high concurrency architecture

Introduction to CDN knowledge of high concurrency architecture

The content of the 3 articles related to the agreement is quite dry, the interview and practical work are very useful, but the title was set at that time some swaggery, but at that time I wanted to write a series of related high concurrency related articles, the results of writing 3 articles gave up, resulting in unable to explain myself, some people say that I title party, I also recognize. The reason for the following two chapters is that I have been in touch with Golang for nearly two or three years. I hope to review and deepen my knowledge by going into Golang series. Being a programmer is all about languages, data structures, and algorithms, so this series will continue. These two articles have also been forwarded on Go China and Go Language Chinese website, which is also a recognition of my own learning.

There’s another one

Today, should live for tomorrow

This article is a reading of the road to wealth and freedom; In recent years, I have read a lot of books about investment and finance, and I feel that I have gradually established my own investment philosophy. Buy at random from the beginning, sell at random; Up to now there is the concept of composition. Several of these books play a crucial role.

The Road to Financial Freedom, Money: 7 Steps to Creating Income for Life, Harry Brown’s Permanent Portfolio

About finance

It says that I have read a lot about financial management in recent years. I would like to say more about this part. The first is why? Not to get rich, but for the future; Because once you start saving money, you start saving money, and in order for that money to continue to generate value until you reach a point where your income completely covers your daily expenses (which is my goal). In order for the money we save to continue to generate income, we need to learn the right way to operate it. Otherwise you put it in with a 1W, take it out with a 1K.

About learning financial management, strongly recommend the above three books, wechat reading inside there. Of course, you can also buy the paper version through the link below. So let me show you the returns of the two portfolios that I built myself.

Let’s start with the financial security portfolio I’ve set up for myself. (This portfolio means that future earnings cover my living expenses, in other words, as long as my living costs stay the same, it keeps me from working.)

The main components of the side here are the long win plan in the slow investment, I bought several index fund portfolio, as well as some A-share shares (which will be replaced with other assets later), and some Hong Kong stocks to hit the new earnings. The group’s biggest retracement this year is 3.87%.

This is a combination where I save all of my baby’s pocket money. The baby was born in September, so the combination has yet to be tested. This is based entirely on the harry Brown Forever Portfolio, with 25% stocks, gold, bonds and cash. The maximum retracement so far is 0.76%, of course, this data is too short to be useful, we will see next year.

For everyone, I think financial management must be done first, and the earlier the better, and the learning process of financial management is very interesting. Here’s a video by Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio on how the economic machine works.

About work

Finished saying public number, finance, talk about the job finally.

I have basically completed every task in the company this year, and the OKR set at the beginning of 2019 has also been basically achieved. But reflect on the fact that there are a lot of work is not good enough, or I feel weak; Because more and more people are involved, do you want to do everything well? I am constantly exploring how to improve myself. Now it’s really a bit clear why big companies like to buy.

In general, my work in 2019 went smoothly. I got a promotion and a salary increase, but basically I was still in my comfort zone.

Work is the only way most people can create a good life and the best platform to prove their worth. How can I use my value? The company won’t adapt to you, you’ll have to adapt to the company (or find a company that matches your personality, but odds are 0). How to maximize corporate and personal value within established rules is something I think I’ll continue to explore in 2020.

2020. How are you

The happiest event of 2019 is not the birth of a baby. The birth of a baby makes every event have a different meaning. The biggest problem in 2019 is the conflict between the capabilities required by the company and the capabilities they want to improve. The biggest gain in 2019 is that I have a new understanding of learning methods, and I continue to benefit from it.

At work in 2020, I hope I have the opportunity and ability to challenge things outside my comfort zone. It is more interesting to do things with unknown and unpredictable results that can’t be seen at first sight.

Continue to learn about financial management, check the existing strategies and adjust the method that is more suitable for you.

Technically, the most important thing in 2020 is to finish the Golang series and update the Skr Shop business series. If a simple plan is made, there will be one article for each of the two types every month, and there will be 24 articles in a year (I don’t know whether it will hit 😂 by the end of next year).

Finally, I would like to say that reading is really important, because only reading can open our horizons and see different things. Of course, if you have the opportunity to practice that is even better! I believe we will all be better.

It’s not just the world that programs are changing

And it’s changed your hair and mine