IDE popularity

A 2018 kdNuggetsblog poll asked: What is the best Python IDE for data science? The results of the survey of more than 1,900 people are shown below. The top five choices are:

Jupyter, 57%

PyCharm, 35%

Spyder, 27%

Visual Studio Code, 21%

Sublime does Text, 12%



PyCharm is recommended for Web development or large projects.

If it is data processing, suggest Spyder; Spyder is a GUI developed using PyQt.

Jupyter Notebook has quickly become a must-have tool for data analysis and machine learning. Because it allows the data analyst to focus on explaining the process to the user.

The name Jupyter is an abbreviation of the three languages it is meant to serve: Julia, Python and R, a homonym for Jupiter.


The IDE’s official website


Spyder is a simple integrated development environment developed for it by Python(X, Y) authors. Its biggest advantage over other Python development environments is that it mimics MATLAB’s “workspace” functionality, allowing you to easily observe and modify the values of arrays. The biggest highlight of Spyder is that it has a workspace area similar to Matlab/Rstudio. You can easily view all the variables you have defined, and interactive click modification, which is very helpful for beginners.……



The essence of Jupyter Notebook is a Web application that facilitates the creation and sharing of literary program documents, supporting real-time code, mathematical equations, visualization and Markdown. Applications include: data cleansing and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning, etc.……



PyCharm is a Python IDE developed by JetBrains. PyCharm is used for typical IDE functions such as debugging, syntax highlighting, Project management, code jumps, smart tips, auto-complete, unit testing, version control… PyCharm also provides some nice features for Django development, supports Google App Engine, and even cooler, PyCharm supports IronPython!



Eric is a full-featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE written in Python. Eric is based on Qt, a cross-platform GUI toolkit that integrates the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. Eric includes a plug-in system that allows simple functional extensions to the IDE. Eric’s functionality is similar to other ides: support for matching, code completion, class browsers, integrated unit testing, and more. It also has Qt form preview, which is useful if you are developing a Qt GUI for your application. PyQt5 works well with Eric6, a well-known Python platform for fast GUI development, so Eric is an official PyQt IDE.…


By reading

1. Unofficial releases of Python

Python(X, Y) : The GUI, based on PyQt, has been the most full-featured and powerful, and is the natural choice for the scientific free Python distribution on Windows. But that’s not what it used to be. Today’s version is old and outdated. Not recommended!…

WinPython: Features are also fairly comprehensive, the package is relatively new, and the GUI is based on PyQt, but compared to Python(X, Y), it is primarily a portable installation experience: you can put it on a USB drive. Limited to Windows platform, not cross-platform.

Python(X, Y) and WinPython are both open source projects led by Pierre Raybaut. In Pierre’s own words, “WinPython is not an attempt to replace Python(X, Y), but a different motivation and philosophy: more flexible, easy to maintain, mobile, less invasive to the operating system, but less user-friendly, with fewer packages, and no integration with Windows Explorer.” . In addition, Python(x,y) is not very stable, and given that it is not updated very often, it is possible that Pierre will later focus on WinPython.…

Anaconda: Anaconda is a collection of Python science and technology packages with functions similar to Python(x, Y). This is the new show. Package management uses Conda, GUI is based on PySide, all packages are basically the latest version, there is no PyQt, WxPython, etc., the capacity is moderate, but all scientific computing packages are available: Numpy, sicpy, Matplotlib, Spyder….. On Linux, for example, Anaconda is easy to install, update, and delete, and everything is installed in a single directory, /home/wXp/anaconda. With the Python founders and core members of the community involved in the development and maintenance of Anaconda, you can imagine that this distribution will come from behind! That’s why I highly recommend Anaconda on any operating system, Linux, Windows, or Mac. Anaconda is recommended for comprehensive consideration of software aesthetics, version compatibility, update frequency and management difficulty. Anaconda is a one-click setup with a Python environment and some common third-party libraries. It comes with Notebook and Spyder. For starters, I highly recommend using Notebook to execute code after installing Anaconda, because the most important thing for beginners is feedback. All results are saved so that you can go back to Check, and the page is very simple without too many plug-ins/buttons. For doing data analysis visualization is not too comfortable, and there are a lot of Magic commands!… Individual Edition downloads, pulls to the bottom of the page… Tsinghua Mirror, recommended

Perfect install Anaconda3 + PyQt5 + Eric6…

Install Anaconda3 + PyQt5 + Eric6…

Firecat himself has written an installation tutorial:…


2. What is Octave?

Octave is a programming language designed to solve linear and nonlinear numerical computation problems. Octave is open source software for the GNU project. Earlier versions of Octave used command line interaction. Version 4.0.0 released a GUI interface written on QT. Octave syntax is so close to Matlab syntax that it is easy to port Matlab programs to Octave. At the same time with C++, QT and other interfaces more convenient than Matlab.…


Pyside2 vs PyQt5

PyQt’s official website

Doc. Qt. IO/qtforpython… Pyside2 official manual……

The Qtpy project provides a unified layer to support PyQt5, PySide2, PyQt4, and PySide through a single code base……