Getting started with programming is where real learning begins, so it’s important to develop some good habits in the early stages of learning to make your work more efficient.

First, laying a good foundation is the most important

Learning effectively doesn’t mean taking shortcuts.

For novices, the first thing is definitely to lay a good foundation step by step. Whether you’re reading a book or watching a video course, you can start with the basics. It also helps to apply what you have learned later, even by analogy.

Second, practice while thinking

You can’t learn to program by reading a book or watching a video. You have to watch, practice and think to make the theory you see your own.

Three, reasonable use of debris time

They say that “a person’s growth depends on the time he spends outside of work.” Of course, this does not mean that you are devoted to programming 24 hours a day, but that you should take advantage of the fragmented time, spend more time to learn, and accumulate more time to learn more effectively.

4. Communicate and share frequently

Three people, there must be my teacher, rather than their own research, it is better to communicate with peers, each take their strengths, more efficient.

5. “Ctrl+S” anytime, Anywhere

Although many new ides can save automatically, it is advisable to get into the “Ctrl+S” habit. Backup can help you protect your data from loss if the system hardware or storage media fails.

6. Study regularly

Because personal contact is limited after all, there are some new technologies or new thinking only limited by personal ability, regular learning to control the new technology is relatively fast, can improve my programming ability faster.

As long as you live and learn, push yourself a little bit more every day. Over time, your achievements will make a huge difference.