This article will continue to update more common Golang tips, with a variety of tips to open up ideas;

0. Recent Update (June 03, 2021)

  • Chain calls
  • ErrorResult Multi-value encapsulation
  • JsonResult repackaging

1. Singleton mode

  • It is used to instantiate only once, such as the configuration module and log module.
package main

import (

var cc *WebConfig
var once sync.Once

type WebConfig struct {
	Port int `json:"port"`

func GetConfig(a) *WebConfig  {
	once.Do(func(a) {
		cc = &WebConfig{Port: 8080}})return cc

func main(a)  {
	cfg1 := GetConfig()
	cfg2 := GetConfig()
	fmt.Println(cfg1 == cfg2)

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2. The function executes timeout control

package main

import (
//1. Put business processes into coroutines
// 2. Insert the service result into channel
func job(a) chan string{
	ret:=make(chan string)
	go func(a) {
		ret<- "success"} ()return ret
func run(a) (interface{},  error) {
	select {
	case r:=<-c:
		return r,nil
	case <-time.After(time.Second*3) :return nil,fmt.Errorf("time out")}}func main(a)  {

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3. Reflection example

  • Principal clarityreflect.Kindreflect.ValueThe use of the
package main

import (

type User struct {
	UserId int `name:"uid" bcd:"3456"`
	UserName string
func Map2Struct(m map[string]interface{},u interface{})  {
	if v.Kind()==reflect.Ptr{
		ifv.Kind()! =reflect.Struct{panic("must struct")
		findFromMap:= func(key string,nameTag string ) interface{} {for k,v:=range m{
				if k==key || k==nameTag {
					return v
			return nil
		for i:=0; i<v.NumField(); i++{ get_value:=findFromMap(v.Type().Field(i).Name,v.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("name"))
			ifget_value! =nil && reflect.ValueOf(get_value).Kind()==v.Field(i).Kind(){
		panic("must ptr")}}func main(a)  {
	m:=map[string]interface{} {"id":123."uid":101."UserName":"shenyi"."age":19,
	fmt.Printf("%+v", u)
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4. Constructor tips

  • The purpose is to improve code maintainability and readability, but there is a relative performance penalty
package main

import (

type UserAttrFunc func(*User)/ / setUserProperty of the function type
type UserAttrFuncs []UserAttrFunc
func(this UserAttrFuncs) apply(u *User)  {
	for _,f:=range this{
func WithUserID(id int) UserAttrFunc  {
	return func(u *User) {
func WithUserName(name string) UserAttrFunc  {
	return func(u *User) {

type User struct {
	Id int
	Name string
	Sex byte
// Optionally assign to ID
func NewUser(fs ... UserAttrFunc) *User  {
	u:= new(User)
	return u

func main(a)  {

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5. Simple Factory mode

package main

import "fmt"

type UserType int 

type User interface {
	GetRole() string
type Member struct {}
func(this *Member) GetRole(a) string {
	return   "Member User"
type Admin struct {}
func(this *Admin) GetRole(a) string {
	return  "Background Admin User"

// Enumeration type
const (
	Mem UserType = iota
func CreateUser(t UserType) User{
	switch t {
	case Mem:
		return new(Member)
	case Adm:
		return new(Admin)
		return new(Member)

func main(a)  {
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6. Abstract factory pattern

  • Abstract factory mode is also a high maintainability and expansibility design mode under polymorphic condition, which conforms to the design idea that high-level code should depend on abstraction rather than the implementation of concrete modules.
package main

import "fmt"

/ / entity
type User interface {
	GetRole() string
type Member struct {}
func(this *Member) GetRole(a) string {
	return   "Member User"
type Admin struct {}
func(this *Admin) GetRole(a) string {
	return  "Background Admin User"
const (

/ / abstract
type AbstractFactory interface {
	CreateUser() User
type MemberFactory struct {}
func(this *MemberFactory) CreateUser(a) User{
	return &Member{}
type AdminFactory struct {}
func(this *AdminFactory) CreateUser(a) User{
	return &Admin{}

func main(a)  {
	var fact AbstractFactory=new(AdminFactory)
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7. Decorator mode

  • Decorator is a design pattern that embodies AOP ideas. Adding new features without changing the original method;
package main

import "net/http"

func CheckLogin(f http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc{
	return func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
		 if request.URL.Query().Get("token") = =""{
			 writer.Write([]byte("token error"))}else{

func index(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
	writer.Write([]byte("index"))}func main(a)  {

	 http.HandleFunc("/",CheckLogin(index) )
	 http.ListenAndServe(": 8080".nil)}Copy the code

8. Simple prefix trees

  • It is used to match routes in the routing framework
package main

import "fmt"

type Node struct {
    isend bool  // The last one
    Children map[string]*Node  // Use map to save traversal
func NewNode(a) *Node {
    return &Node{Children:make(map[string]*Node)}

type Trie struct {
    root *Node
func NewTrie(a) *Trie {
    return &Trie{root:NewNode()}

func(this *Trie) Insert(str string ){
    // The first node must be empty
    for _,item:=range ([]rune)(str){
        if _,ok:=current.Children[string(item)]; ! ok{ current.Children[string(item)]=NewNode()
    current.isend=true   // The last one

func(this *Trie) Search(str string ) bool{
    for _,item:=range ([]rune)(str){
        if _,ok:=current.Children[string(item)]; ! ok{return  false
    return current.isend    // The last one

func test(a)  {
    for _,s:=range strs{

    // None of them match
    for _,s:=range strs{

func main(a)  {


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9. Line reads file or string

package main

import (

func dropCR(data []byte) []byte {
	if len(data) > 0 && data[len(data)- 1] = =':' {
		return data[0 : len(data)- 1]}return data

func split(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
	if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
		return 0.nil.nil
	if i := bytes.IndexByte(data, ':'); i >= 0 {
		// We have a full newline-terminated line.
		return i + 1, dropCR(data[0:i]), nil
	// If we're at EOF, we have a final, non-terminated line. Return it.
	if atEOF {
		return len(data), dropCR(data), nil
	// Request more data.
	return 0.nil.nil

func main(a) {
	/* Scanner method NewScanner creates Scanner Scanner.Split setting handler function Scanner.Scan gets the current token, Bytes Returns the token in []byte format.Text Returns the token in string format.Err Obtains the error */ returned by the processing method

	reader := strings.NewReader("aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd:eee:fff:ggg")
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)

	/* ScanBytes process tokens into single bytes ScanRunes Process tokens into UTF-8 encoded Unicode codes ScanWords separate tokens with Spaces tokenScanLines Separate tokens with newlines */
	// Replace the original default in the form of '\n' cut, the above two ends of the code is to imitate the source split function
	count := 0
	for scanner.Scan() {
	fmt.Println("In common", count, "Line")}Copy the code

10. Pipeline mode

  • Pipeline mode is a bit like streaming, similar to Linux echo 'hello world' |grep 'world'; This is also a common technique in GO development
package main

import (

type Cmd func(list []int) chan int
type PipeCmd func(in chan int) chan int// Support pipe functions

// Simulate getting data from the database
func GetData(list []int) chan int {
    c := make(chan int)
    go func(a) {
            defer close(c)
            for _, num := range list {
                    // Simulate the delay in getting data from the database
                    c <- num

    return c


// Data processing
func Multiply10(in chan int) chan int { // This function supports pipes
    out := make(chan int)
    go func(a) {
            defer close(out)
            for num := range in {
                    // 1 second delay
                    time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
                    out <- num * 10
    return out

// pipe function
func Pipe(args []int, c1 Cmd, cs ... PipeCmd) chan int {
    ret := c1(args)
    if len(cs) == 0 {
            return ret
    retList := make([]chan int.0)
    for index, c := range cs {
            if index == 0 {
                    retList = append(retList, c(ret))
            } else {
                    // Get the last one is the latest result
                    getChan := retList[len(retList)- 1]
                    retList = append(retList, c(getChan))
    return retList[len(retList)- 1]}func Test(testData []int) {
    // Use GetData to stuff data into a pipe, and then pass it back to the pipeline;
    ret := Pipe(testData, GetData, Multiply10, Multiply10)
    for r := range ret {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", r)

func main(a) {
	Test([]int{})}Copy the code

11. Pipeline pattern multiplexing

  • Pipeline multiplexing means that the data in the same pipeline are concurrently processed by different function entities, thus effectively improving the processing efficiency.

    Ps: Note that the pipeline needs to run concurrently.

package main

import (

type Cmd func(list []int) chan int
type PipeCmd func(in chan int) chan int// Support pipe functions

// Simulate getting data from the database
func GetData(list []int) chan int {
    c := make(chan int)
    go func(a) {
            defer close(c)
            for _, num := range list {
                    // Simulate the delay in getting data from the database
                    c <- num

    return c

// Data processing
func Multiply10(in chan int) chan int { // This function supports pipes
    out := make(chan int)
    go func(a) {
            defer close(out)
            for num := range in {
                    // 1 second delay
                    time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
                    out <- num * 10
    return out

// Pipe multiplexing
func PipeM(args []int, c1 Cmd, cs ... PipeCmd) chan int {
    ret := c1(args) / / to find even
    out := make(chan int)
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    for _, c := range cs {
        getChan := c(ret)
        go func(input chan int) {
                defer wg.Done()
                for v := range input {
                        // Simulate delay
                        out <- v
    go func(a) {
        // Close the channel
        // If the pipe is not closed, the main thread reads will be deadlocked when all input coroutines are completed;
        defer close(out)

    return out

func Test(testData []int) {
    // The data is returned directly to the pipeline
    ret := PipeM(testData, GetData, Multiply10, Multiply10)
    for r := range ret {
        fmt.Printf("%d ", r)

func main(a) {
    Test([]int{})}Copy the code
  • A encapsulated generic pipe pattern multiplexing
package pipe

import "sync"

type InChan chan interface{}
type OutChan chan interface{}
type CmdFunc func(args ...interface{}) InChan
type PipeCmdFunc func(in InChan) OutChan
type Pipe struct{
	Cmd CmdFunc
	PipeCmd PipeCmdFunc
	Count int

func NewPipe(a)  *Pipe {
	return &Pipe{Count:1}}// Set the function to get the data
func(this *Pipe) SetCmd(c CmdFunc)  {

// Set the pipe concurrency command
func(this *Pipe) SetPipeCmd(c PipeCmdFunc,count int )  {

func(this *Pipe) Exec(args ...interface{}) OutChan  {
	for i:=0; i<this.Count; i++{ getChan:=this.PipeCmd(in) wg.Add(1)
		go func(input OutChan) {
			defer wg.Done()
			for v:=range input{
	go func(a) {
		defer close(out)
	return out
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12. Chain calls

package main

import (

type UserAttrFunc func(*User)/ / setUserProperty of the function type
type UserAttrFuncs []UserAttrFunc
func(this UserAttrFuncs) apply(u *User)  {
	for _,f:=range this{
func WithUserID(id int) UserAttrFunc  {
	return func(u *User) {
func WithUserName(name string) UserAttrFunc  {
	return func(u *User) {

type User struct {
	Id int
	Name string
func NewUser(fs ... UserAttrFunc) *User  {
	u:= new(User)
        // Cast to UserAttrFuncs
	return u

// make a chain call by returning itself
func (u *User) Mutate(fs ... UserAttrFunc) *User {
	return u

func main(a)  {
        // chain call


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13. ErrReuslt Multi-value return encapsulation

  • Better unified error handling, which can be extended with this prototype;
package main

import (

type ErrorResult struct {
	data interface{}
	err  error

func (this *ErrorResult) Unwrap(a) interface{} {
	if(this.err ! =nil) {

// Return data, err in certain format
func Result(values ...interface{}) *ErrorResult {
	if len(values) == 1 {
		if values[0] = =nil {
			return &ErrorResult{nil.nil}}if err, ok := values[0].(error); ok {
			return &ErrorResult{nil, err}

	if len(values) == 2 {
		if values[1] = =nil {
			return &ErrorResult{values[0].nil}}if err, ok := values[1].(error); ok {
			return &ErrorResult{values[0], err}
	err := fmt.Errorf("Result format error, valuses must be (err) or (data, err)")
	return &ErrorResult{nil, err}


func getErrorResult(a) (int, error)  {
	return 100, fmt.Errorf("It is a error.")}func getResult(a) (int, error)  {
	return 100.nil

func coreRun(a) (err error) {
	defer func(a) {
		if e := recover(a); e ! =nil {
			err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e)
        // There is a panic Err interrupt

func main(a) {

	err := coreRun()

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14. JsonResult partial shipments

  • JsonResult Our web return value or command line return value often requires a uniform return; Look at the use of go decorators;
  • The following code is used in combination with code in section 13, using sync.pool;
package main

import (

type ErrorResult struct {
	data interface{}
	err  error

func (this *ErrorResult) Unwrap(a) interface{} {
	if(this.err ! =nil) {

// Return data, err in certain format
func Result(values ...interface{}) *ErrorResult {
	if len(values) == 1 {
		if values[0] = =nil {
			return &ErrorResult{nil.nil}}if err, ok := values[0].(error); ok {
			return &ErrorResult{nil, err}

	if len(values) == 2 {
		if values[1] = =nil {
			return &ErrorResult{values[0].nil}}if err, ok := values[1].(error); ok {
			return &ErrorResult{values[0], err}
	err := fmt.Errorf("Result format error, valuses must be (err) or (data, err)")
	return &ErrorResult{nil, err}


type JsonResult struct {
	Message string      `json:"message"`
	Code    string      `json:"code"`
	Result  interface{} `json:"result"`

func NewJsonResult(message string, code string, result interface{}) *JsonResult {
	return &JsonResult{Message: message, Code: code, Result: result}

// sync.Pool is used to reuse used objects, saving the time of frequent resource creation and reclamation
var ResultPool *sync.Pool

func init(a) {
	ResultPool = &sync.Pool{
		New: func(a) interface{} {
			return NewJsonResult("".""."")}}}// JP function is just to show better decoupling of some state output
type JP func(code int, v interface{})
func jsonDumps(code int, v interface{}) {
	jb, _ := json.Marshal(v)
	fmt.Println(code, string(jb))

type Output func(j JP, v interface{})
type ResultFunc func(message string, code string, result interface{}) func(output Output)

func R(j JP) ResultFunc {
	return func(message string, code string, result interface{}) func(output Output) {
		r := ResultPool.Get().(*JsonResult)
		// Remember to put it back
		defer ResultPool.Put(r)

		r.Message = message
		r.Code = code
		r.Result = result
		return func(output Output) {
			output(j, r)

// If successful, return 200
func StateOk(j JP, v interface{}) {
	j(200, v)

// If it fails, return 500
func StateError(j JP, v interface{}) {
	j(500, v)

func getErrorResult(a) (int, error)  {
	return 100, fmt.Errorf("It is a error.")}func getResult(a) (int, error)  {
	return 100.nil

func main(a) {
	R(jsonDumps)("hello world"."1001", Result(getResult()).Unwrap())(StateOk)
	R(jsonDumps)("hello world"."1001", Result(getResult()).Unwrap())(StateError)

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