Original link: Ewan Valentine. IO, translation is authorized by author Ewan Valentine.

Docker is not introduced in detail in this section. Please refer to the revised Edition of the First Docker Book.


In the last part, we used gRPC to initially realize our micro-service. In this section, Docker-oriented micro-service is introduced and go-Micro framework is introduced to replace gRPC to simplify the implementation of the service.



With the advantages of cloud computing, microservices architecture is becoming more and more popular, and its cloud-based distributed operating environment also puts high demands on our development, testing and deployment. Container is a solution.

In traditional software development, applications are deployed directly on a system where the environment and dependencies are ready, or on a physical server in a virtual cluster managed by Chef or Puppet. This deployment scheme is not conducive to horizontal scaling. For example, if you want to deploy multiple physical servers, the same dependencies need to be installed.

Tools such as Vagrant, which manage multiple virtual machines, make the deployment of a project more circumtraversal, but each virtual machine runs a full operating system, which is a drain on host resources and not suitable for microservice development and deployment.

The container


Container is a simplified version of the operating system, but it does not run a kernel or related drivers at the bottom of the system. It only contains some libraries necessary for run-time. Multiple containers share the kernel of the host and are isolated from each other and have complementary effects. For details, see Redhat Topic


The container’s runtime environment contains only the dependencies that the code needs, rather than a full operating system with a bunch of unnecessary components. In addition, the volume of the container itself is relatively small compared to the virtual machine. For example, compared with Ubuntu 16.04, the advantages are self-evident:

  • Vm Size

  • Container image size

The Docker and container

Most people think container technology is Docker, but in fact it is not. Docker is just an implementation of container technology, which is so popular because it is easy to operate and has a low learning threshold.

Docker-based microservices


Create a Dockerfile for the microservice deployment

FROM alpine:latest # Create app directory RUN mkdir /app # in the root directory of the container ADD fill-fill-service /app/ fill-fill-service run /app/ fill-fill-service run /app/ fill-fill-service run /app ["./consignment-service"]Copy the code

Alpine is an ultra-lightweight Linux distribution designed for Web applications in Docker. It ensures that most web applications will run properly, even if it contains only the necessary run-time files and dependencies, and the image size is only 4 MB, which is 99.7% less space than Ubuntu16.4 above:

Due to the ultra-lightweight level of Docker images, the resource consumption of deploying and running microservices on them is very small.

Compile the project

To run our microservice on Alpine, append the command to the Makefile:

build: ... Tell the Go compiler where to generate the binaries: GOOS= Linux GOARCH=amd64 go build # Generate the image docker build-t named fpc-service from the Dockerfile in the current directory  consignment-service .Copy the code

The values for GOOS and GOARCH need to be specified manually, otherwise files compiled on macOS will not run in alpine containers.

Docker build packages the program’s execution file ffuel-service and its required run-time environment into an image, and then directly run the image in Docker can start the microservice.

You can share your images with DockerHub. The relationship between NPM and NodeJS, Composer and PHP is similar. If you go to DockerHub, you will find that many excellent open source software has been docker-based. Willy Wonka of Containers

For details on how Docker builds images, please refer to chapter 4 of the First Docker Book

Run the Docker-based microservice

Continue appending commands to the Makefile:

build: ... run: # in the Docker alpine container port 50001 running on consignment - service service # to add the -d parameter will micro service runs in the background Docker run - p 50051:50051 consignment-serviceCopy the code

As Docker has its own independent network layer, it is necessary to specify which port of the container is mapped to the port of the machine, using the -p parameter. For example, -p 8080:50051 maps the port of the container to the port of the machine 8080. Note that the order is reversed. More references: Docker documentation

Now run make build && make run to run our microservice in docker, at this time execute microservice client code on the machine, will successfully call the microservice in docker:


Why not continue using gRPC?

Management of trouble

In the client code (fPC-cli /cli.go), we specify the server address and port manually, which is not too cumbersome to change locally. However, in a production environment, services may not run on the same host (distributed and independent). If any service is redeployed and its IP address or port number changes, other services cannot invoke it. If you have many services that call each other with designated IP addresses and ports, it can be cumbersome to manage

Service discovery

In order to solve the invocation problem between services, Service Discovery emerged. It acts as a registry to record the IP and port of each micro-service. When each micro-service goes online, it will be registered in it, and when it goes offline, it will be logged out.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, we went straight to the Go-Micro framework that implements service registration.

The installation

go get -u github.com/micro/protobuf/proto
go get -u github.com/micro/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
Copy the code

Modify protoc commands in Makefile using go-Micro’s own compiler plug-in:

build: Protoc -i. --go_out=plugins=micro:$(GOPATH)/ SRC /shippy/ fpc-service protoc -i. --go_out=plugins=micro:$(GOPATH)/ SRC /shippy/ fPC-service proto/consignment/consignment.protoCopy the code

The server uses go-Micro

You will find that the regenerated ffruit.pb. go is very different. Modify the server code main.go to use go-micro

package main import ( pb "shippy/consignment-service/proto/consignment" "context" "log" "github.com/micro/go-micro" ) // // type IRepository interface {Create(consignment * pb.consignment) (* pb.consignment, Error) // store new cargo GetAll() []* pb.consignment // GetAll cargo in the store} // // our store of many cargo, // type Repository struct {consignments []* pb.consignment} func (repo *Repository) Create(consignment *pb.Consignment) (*pb.Consignment, error) { repo.consignments = append(repo.consignments, consignment) return consignment, Nil} func (repo *Repository) GetAll() []* pb.consignment {return repo.consignments} // // define microservice // type service struct {repo Repository} // // implements the ShippingServiceHandler interface in ffC.pb. go // to make service act as the server of gRPC // // to consignment new cargo // func (s *service) CreateConsignment(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Consignment) (*pb.Response, error) { func (s *service) CreateConsignment(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Consignment, Resp *pb.Response) error {// Accepts the consignment of goods from the consignment, err := s.repo.Create(req) if err! = nil { return err } resp = &pb.Response{Created: true, Consignment: Consignment} return nil} func (s *service) GetConsignments(CTX context.context, req *pb.GetRequest) (*pb.Response, error) { func (s *service) GetConsignments(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetRequest, resp *pb.Response) error { allConsignments := s.repo.GetAll() resp = &pb.Response{Consignments: AllConsignments} return nil} func main() {server := micro.NewService(// must be the same as package in consignment. Proto micro.Name("go.micro.srv.consignment"), micro.Version("latest"), ) / / server parse command line parameters. The Init () ': Repository of = {} pb. RegisterShippingServiceHandler (server. The server (), &service{repo}) if err := server.Run(); err ! = nil { log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err) } }Copy the code

The go-Micro implementation has three major changes compared to gRPC:

Procedure For creating an RPC server

micro.NewService(… Option) simplifies the registration process for microservices, and micro-run () also simplifies grpcServer.serve (), eliminating the need to manually create TCP connections and listen.

Interface for microservices

If you look at lines 47 and 59 of the code, you will find that go-Micro mentions the Response parameter as an input parameter and only returns error, integrating the four operating modes of gRPC

Run address management

The listening port of the service is not written out in code, and Go-mirco automatically uses the address of the MICRO_SERVER_ADDRESS variable on the system or command line

Update the Makefile accordingly

	docker run -p 50051:50051 \
	 -e MICRO_REGISTRY=mdns \
Copy the code

The -e option is used to set environment variables in the image, where MICRO_REGISTRY= MDNS causes Go-Micro to use MDNS multicast locally as an intermediate layer for service discovery. In the production environment, Consul or Etcd is used instead of MDNS for service discovery, and everything is simplified before local development.

Now make build && make run and your fpc-service has service discovery.

The client uses Go-Micro

We need to update the client code to call the microservice using Go-Micro:

Func main() {cmd.init () // Create a microservice client, Simplifies the manual Dial connection server client step: = pb. NewShippingServiceClient (" go. Micro. The SRV. Consignment ", microclient. DefaultClient)... }Copy the code

Now run go run cli.go error:

Because the server runs in Docker, and Docker has its own independent MDNS, which is inconsistent with the MDNS of the host Mac. Docker-like client, so that the server and client are in the same network layer, smooth use of MDNS to do service discovery.

Docker-based client

Create client Dokerfile

FROM alpine:latest RUN mkdir -p /app WORKDIR /app # copy ffruit. json FROM alpine:latest RUN mkdir -p /app WORKDIR /app # /app/consignment.json ADD consignment-cli /app/consignment-cli CMD ["./consignment-cli"]Copy the code

Create file fpc-cli /Makefile

	GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
	docker build -t consignment-cli .
	docker run -e MICRO_REGISTRY=mdns consignment-cli
Copy the code

Invoking microservices

performmake build && make run, the client successfully called RPC:

Golang is not integrated into Dockerfile.


The fpc-service above is responsible for recording the consignment information of the goods. Now create the second micro-service vessel-service to select the appropriate cargo ship to transport the goods. The relationship is as follows:

For the goods composed of three containers in ffm. json file, the information of the goods can be managed through ffel-service at present. Now, vessel- Service is used to check whether the cargo ship can hold this batch of goods.

Create a Protobuf file

// vessel-service/proto/vessel/vessel.proto syntax = "proto3"; package go.micro.srv.vessel; VesselService {RPC FindAvailable (Specification) returns (Response) {}} service VesselService {// Find VesselService available (Specification) returns (Response) {} Vessel { string id = 1; Int32 capacity = 2; Int32 max_weight = 3; String name = 4; // name bool available = 5; String ower_id = 6; Message Specification {int32 capacity = 1; Int32 max_weight = 2; Message Response {Vessel Vessel = 1; repeated Vessel vessels = 2; }Copy the code

Create makefiles and dockerfiles

Now create vessel-service/Makefile to compile the project:

build: Protoc - i. - go_out = plugins = micro: $(GOPATH)/SRC/shippy/vessel - service proto/vessel/vessel. The proto # dep tool is temporarily unavailable, GOOS= Linux GOARCH=amd64 go build docker build-t vessel- service. run: docker run -p 50052:50051 -e MICRO_SERVER_ADDRESS=:50051 -e MICRO_REGISTRY=mdns vessel-serviceCopy the code

Note that the second microservice is running on port 50052 of the host host (macOS), 50051 has been occupied by the first one.

Now create a Dockerfile to container vessel-service:

FROM alpine:latest RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app ADD vessel-service /app/vessel-service CMD ["./vessel-service"]Copy the code

Implementation of cargo ship microservice logic

package main import ( pb "shippy/vessel-service/proto/vessel" "github.com/pkg/errors" "context" "github.com/micro/go-micro" "log" ) type Repository interface { FindAvailable(*pb.Specification) (*pb.Vessel, Error)} type VesselRepository struct {Vessels []*pb.Vessel} // Interface implementation func (repo *VesselRepository) FindAvailable(spec *pb.Specification) (*pb.Vessel, error) {// Select the latest Vessel for _, v := range repo.vessels { if v.Capacity >= spec.Capacity && v.MaxWeight >= spec.MaxWeight { return v, nil } } return nil, Errors. New("No vessel can't be used ")} struct {repo Repository} FindAvailable(CTX context.context, spec *pb.Specification, resp *pb.Response) error {// Call an internal method to find v, err := s.repo.FindAvailable(spec) if err ! Vessels := []* Pb.vessel {{Id: vessels, Vessels, Vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels := []* pb.vessel {{Id: vessels, Vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels "vessel001", Name: "Boaty McBoatface", MaxWeight: 200000, Capacity: 500}, } repo := &VesselRepository{vessels} server := micro.NewService( micro.Name("go.micro.srv.vessel"), Micro Version (" latest "),) server. The Init () / / will implement the server-side API registration to the service side pb. RegisterVesselServiceHandler (server. The server (), &service{repo}) if err := server.Run(); err ! = nil { log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err) } }Copy the code

Freight services interact with cargo services

Now we need to modify consignent-service/main.go to call vessel-service as the client to see if there is a suitable ship to transport the goods.

// consignent-service/main.go package main import (...) // Define microservice type service struct {repo Repository // fpc-service as the client to call vesselClient VesselPb. VesselServiceClient} / / implement consignment. Pb. ShippingServiceHandler interface of go, Func (S *service) CreateConsignment(CTX context. context, req * pb.consignment, VReq := & vesselpb. Specification{Capacity: int32(len(req.Containers)), MaxWeight: req.Weight, } vResp, err := s.vesselClient.FindAvailable(context.Background(), vReq) if err ! Log. Printf("found vessel: %s\n", vResp.Vessel.Name) req.VesselId = vResp.Vessel.Id consignment, err := s.repo.Create(req) if err ! = nil { return err } resp.Created = true resp.Consignment = consignment return nil } // ... func main() { // ... // Parse the command line argument server.init () repo := Repository{} // as vessel-service's client vClient := vesselPb.NewVesselServiceClient("go.micro.srv.vessel", server.Client()) pb.RegisterShippingServiceHandler(server.Server(), &service{repo, vClient}) if err := server.Run(); err ! = nil { log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err) } }Copy the code

Add cargo and run

Update ffPA -cli/ fpa. Json to fill three containers with more weight and capacity.

  "description": "This is a test consignment",
  "weight": 55000,
  "containers": [
      "customer_id": "cust001",
      "user_id": "user001",
      "origin": "Manchester, United Kingdom"
      "customer_id": "cust002",
      "user_id": "user001",
      "origin": "Derby, United Kingdom"
      "customer_id": "cust005",
      "user_id": "user001",
      "origin": "Sheffield, United Kingdom"
Copy the code

So far, we have completely run ffel-CLI, fill-or-service and vessel-service processes.

When the client user requests to consignment goods, the freight service checks whether the capacity and weight of the cargo ship exceed the standard, and then delivers:


In this section, the easy-to-use Go-Micro is replaced by gRPC and docker-oriented microservices are carried out. Finally, the vessel- Service freighter micro-service is created to deliver goods and successfully communicates with the freighter micro-service.

However, the cargo data is stored in the file ffPA. Json. In section 3, we store the data in the MongoDB database and operate the data using ORM in the code. Docker-compose is used simultaneously to unify the two docker-based microservices.