Golang uses Github to host the Go library. This article introduces the version management of the Go library.
Go library version rules
The rule for the go library version: major version number. Revision number, where:
- Major version number: the major version number is appended when the library is modified in a way that is not backward compatible, such as feature refactoring.
- Minor version number: retrograde compatible changes to the library, such as new functionality, are appended to the minor version number;
- Revision number: When the library has made a downward compatible change (on a smaller scale), such as a fix or optimization feature, the revision is appended.
Go class library version example
Again, take the github.com/vsixz/common-go class library as an example.
Minor Version Upgrade
Major version is not upgraded, minor or revised version is upgraded.
X.x can be directly upgraded to v1.x.x.
The current version is v1.0.0, now we have made functional modifications to the class library, release V1.0.1:
1. Switch torelease/1.x
git checkout release/v1.x
Copy the code
2. Modify the library code
3. Submit the code and publish it
git add .
git commit -m "update hello"Git push git tag v1.0.1Copy the code
4, the use ofdemo-go
Test and upgrade the version
How to upgrade the library:
- use
go get -u xxx
Upgrade to the latest version under the major version number; - use
go get xxx@version
Upgrade to a specified version.
$go get -u github.com/vsixz/common-go go: downloading github.com/vsixz/common-go v1.0.1 go: found github.com/vsixz/common-go/helloin github.com/vsixz/common-go v1.0.1
go: github.com/vsixz/common-go upgrade => v1.0.1
Copy the code
Look at the go.mod file under Demo-go and see that it has been upgraded to the new version:
5. Run tests
$ go run main.go
testHello: Hello, Jay common-go version: v1.0.1Copy the code
Major Upgrade
Major version upgrade.
Note that when using go Get -u XXX to upgrade the version of the class library, it cannot be upgraded across the major version, but can only be upgraded to the latest minor version under the current major version.
X to v1.x.x is an exception. You can run the go get -u XXX command to upgrade the v0.x.x.
The current version is V1.0.1, now the function of this library has been reconstructed, release v2.0.0:
1. Continue to follow best practices2.x
Version branching
git checkout -b release/v2.x
Copy the code
2. Create the class library in the root directoryv2
Directory, and put the current project go class library andgo.mod
Full copy (or cut) tov2
3. Modify module name to new version
go mod edit -module github.com/vsixz/common-go/v2 v2/go.mod
Copy the code
Check out the v2/go.mod file:
After the module name is changed, if the go file in the v2 directory references the package of the class library, you need to update reference v2; otherwise, the reference package cannot be found.
4, v2 class library new features
5. Submit the code and publish
git add .
git commit -m "refactor hello to v2"Git tag v2.0.0 git tag --tagsCopy the code
6, use,demo-go
Test and upgrade the version
Note that you cannot use go get -u XXX to upgrade to the latest version that is different from the current major version. You need to use go get xxx@version to upgrade:
$go get github.com/vsixz/common-go/v2@v2.0.0Copy the code
Check the go.mod file to see that the v2 version dependency package has been added
7. Modify the test code
Using both v1 and v2 package functions:
8. Run tests
$ go run main.go
testHello: Hello, Jay common-go version: v1.0.1 Hello, Jay Chou common-go version: v2.0.0Copy the code
Use the native GO class library
If the local GO library is not maintained remotely, how do I refer to the package of the local library?
Use replace to reference the local GO library in the go.mod file, which is sometimes easier to develop.
The module name of common-go is github.com/vsixz/common-go
Replace replaces references to modules with go library relative paths
The following example switches a reference to the GO class library to a local reference.
Since this is a local reference, the version number only needs to be in the range of the main version number.
Major version upgrades make code maintenance and version maintenance more difficult, and require downstream users to migrate versions. It is best to upgrade the main version of the library when there is a compelling reason to do so, such as to optimize the code for large-scale refactoring.