Golang can change the value of a variable by reflection.

Package main import (" FMT ""reflect" _ "strconv") func main() {var x float64 = 6.6p := reflect.valueof (&x) FMT. Println (p.K ind ()) j: = p.E lem (FMT). The Println (" Val: ", j) j.S etFloat (9.9) FMT. Println (" Val: ", j)}Copy the code


PTR Val: 6.6 Val: 9.9Copy the code

Note that reflect.valueof (&x) is passed as a pointer type. What happens if we pass a non-pointer?

package main

import (
	_ "strconv"

type Element interface{}

type List []Element

type Person struct {
	name string
	age  int

func (p Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("name: %s, age: %d", p.name, p.age)

func main() {
	var x float64 = 6.6

	p := reflect.ValueOf(x)
	j := p.Elem()
	fmt.Println("Val:", j)
	fmt.Println("Val:", j)

Copy the code


float64 panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on float64 Value goroutine 1 [running]: reflect.Value.Elem(0x10ada00, 0xc000014070, 0x8e, 0x1, 0x1, 0 by 8)/usr/local/Cellar/go / 1.16.6 / libexec/SRC/reflect/value. Go: 843 + 0 x1a5 main. The main ()/XXX/main go: 49 + 0 x14d exit status 2Copy the code

The exception is thrown directly. ValueOf is of type interface{} and returns a Value of type Value. In p.lem (), if p.ind () is neither Interface nor Ptr, then panic is thrown. That is, if the type passed to ValueOf is Interface or Ptr, Elem can be called.