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Golang is really uncomfortable with json serialization and deserialization, so switching to these more native forms of writing after getting used to high-level language features can be difficult.

No more BB, start recording.

Serialization library selection

When writing a small demo or small tool without a large scale usage scenario, it doesn’t matter which library you use because the performance is not obvious. However, if you are using jSON-iterator in real projects with high concurrency, high volume, etc., I recommend using jSON-iterator.

Go comes with a JSON library

"Encoding /json" comes with the official licenseCopy the code


The fastest GO JSON parser. It’s compatible with the official script, and I use it pretty much all the time.


The efficiency of contrast

Ns Nanosecond op operation

ns/op allocation bytes allocation times
std decode 35510 ns/op 1960 B/op 99 allocs/op
easyjson decode 8499 ns/op 160 B/op 4 allocs/op
jsoniter decode 5623 ns/op 160 B/op 3 allocs/op
std encode 2213 ns/op 712 B/op 5 allocs/op
easyjson encode 883 ns/op 576 B/op 3 allocs/op
jsoniter encode 837 ns/op 384 B/op 4 allocs/op

Encoding case

type Hero struct {
	Name string
	Age int
	Birthday string
	Sal float64
	Skill string
Copy the code


Hero := hero {Birthday: 21-02-23, Age: 20, Birthday: 21-02-23, Skill: = Skill: } jsonStu, err := json.Marshal if err! = nil {fmt.println (" Generate JSON word} fmt.println (string(jsonStu)))Copy the code


Structure struct

STR: = "{\" Name \ ": \" zhang sanfeng \ ", \ "Age \" : 98, \ "Birthday \" : \ "2001-09-21 \", \ "Sal \" : 3800.85, \ "Skill \" : \ "wudang sword \"} "var hero hero err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &hero) if err ! = nil { fmt.Printf("unmarshal err=%v\n", err) }Copy the code

Struct array

Map [string]interface{}

Struct array

str := ` [{" Name ":" zhang sanfeng ", "Age" : 98, "Birthday" : "2001-09-21", "Sal" : 3800.85, "Skill" : "wudang sword"}, {" Name ":" zhang mowgli ", "Age" : 28, "Birthday" : "2004-0 9-21","Sal":300.85,"Skill": 300.85 "}] 'hero [] hero := json.Unmarshal([]byte(STR), &hero) if err! Printf("unmarshal err=%v\n", err)} FMT.Printf(" deserialized hero=%v", hero)Copy the code


str := ` [{" Name ":" zhang sanfeng ", "Age" : 98, "Birthday" : "2001-09-21", "Sal" : 3800.85, "Skill" : "wudang sword"}, {" Name ":" zhang mowgli ", "Age" : 28, "Birthday" : "2004-0 }] 'define a slice var slice []map[string]interface{} Err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(STR), &slice) if err! Printf("unmarshal err=%v\n", err)} FMT.Printf(" Deserialized slice=%v\n", slice)Copy the code

Recommended reading

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