I learned Golang by myself and wanted to play with gorM and IRIS, but it took me half a month to install some third-party packages. Fortunately, the weekend was a good one. Take notes.
I use a MAC,GoLand 2019.2, Golang version 1.12.
There are two ways to install third-party packages. One is direct
go get -u http://github.com/kataras/iris
Copy the code
B: Yes, but I found it was not good for several times at the beginning, and it died at the end of several times. Another option is to download the github package yourself and install it manually
Git git git git git git git git git git git git git git git gitcloneOperating the gitcloneThe corresponding package then go install packageCopy the code
A lot of tutorial on the net can have the introduction of above method, but I try according to above method namely, made for a long time all did not succeed. Breaking point. The problem is I’m connected to a VPN, which is weird.
unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/crypto
Copy the code
Go: google.golang.org/[email protected]: unrecognized import path"google.golang.org/grpc"(HTTPS fetch: Get https://google.golang.org/grpc?go-get=1: dial TCP the I/o timeout) go: google.golang.org/[email protected]: unrecognized import path"google.golang.org/grpc"(HTTPS fetch: Get https://google.golang.org/grpc?go-get=1: dial TCP the I/o timeout) go: Finding github.com/rogpeppe/fastuuid v0.0.0-20150106093220-6724 a57986af go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path"golang.org/x/time"(HTTPS fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/time?go-get=1: dial TCP the I/o timeout) go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path"golang.org/x/sys" (https fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/sys?go-get=1: dial tcp i/o timeout)
go: golang.org/x/[email protected]: unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/tools"(HTTPS fetch: Get https://golang.org/x/tools?go-get=1: dial TCP the I/o timeout) go: google.golang.org/[email protected]: unrecognized import path"google.golang.org/genproto"(HTTPS fetch: Get https://google.golang.org/genproto?go-get=1: dial TCP the I/o timeout)Copy the code
Then will introduce magic methods, studygolang.com/articles/22…
To do this, GO to go-go module-proxy in your Settings and write goproxy.io
And then magically available, transferred to use in the same situation as me.