This is the last in a series of notes, but it is not related to vim operations

This tutorial series is divided into five parts:

  1. Divine editor Vim use – Basics
  2. Divine editor Vim use – operation section
  3. Divine editor for Vim use – plugins
  4. The divine editor Vim uses the -regular operation section
  5. God editor Vim used – last

Will Vim go out of fashion

Vi(M) has been around since the 1980s, and none of the popular text editors (with the exception of Emacs) has outlived Vim. And I don’t think Vim will go out of fashion in the foreseeable future for the following reasons:

  • Vim is terminal based and can seamlessly switch with tools in the terminal, and tools in the terminal have one characteristic: they are tough and durable
  • Vim is the founderBram MoolenaarUnder the leadership of always kept constantly iterating updates fromhereYou can see
  • Vim was originally positioned as a text editor, not a development environmentIDE, its sole focus on text manipulation makes it virtually unbeatable in the text manipulation niche
  • There are plenty of them at the momentC/C++Programmers are using Vim as their text editing tool, and it’s huge

How to learn Vim more efficiently

Here are some personal suggestions for improving viM’s operating skills

  • If you use it regularlyhjklKey to move continuously, please rethink what you use VIm for
  • If one edit takes too much work, stop. There are other ways to do it more efficiently
  • If there are simple repetitive operations, please consider.The command
  • If you have complex repetitive operations, consider macros
  • If an operation requires multiple files, and may need them in the future, consider using script files

Finally, use Vim as your sole editor for all text editing (vim is doing this series of articles and all of my notes), which will allow you to make rapid progress in your practice

How to continue to improve learning?

In any case, I think the vim official help document is the best learning material, the method is very simple: normal mode input :h [command], this can quickly locate the knowledge you want to know, and the description is simple and clear

In the context of the detailed official documentation, many third-party plug-ins also describe the functions and configurable items of the plug-in in detail in the help documentation of the plug-in. The usage method is also h [command].

In addition, there are a series of books that delve deeper into some of vim’s features. Here are some recommendations:

  • Vim Tips (2nd edition) – Drew Neil
  • Vim 8 Text processing combat-Roulance Osipov


The cursor moves slowly

There are two main reasons

  1. Plug-ins in VIm slow things down

    – Air -line (vim’s third party status bar plugin) causes the cursor to freeze when enabled

  2. Set the repetition time to the minimum in the system Settings, but the speed is still not fast enough. Use the following Settings in the terminal

    defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1
    Copy the code

    In system Settings, the value for fastest is 2, where setting it to 1 makes it faster. The fastest value is 0, but this is out of control, so it is not recommended.

Problem solving

Typing Chinese in MacVim results in a lot of repeated pinyin

  • why

    The input method does not completely capture the keystrokes

  • The solution

    Enter defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMUseInlineIm 0

  • The principle of

    Set the input method to single-line mode for MacVim

The last

The author of this article is Hanley Lee, first published in Shining Journey. If you agree with this article, please Follow