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Go Tool Pprof usage

Go has the Pprof package for performance monitoring of code involving two PKG:

# Web server:
import (
    _ "net/http/pprof"

# Generic applications (real applications with no Web interaction)
import (
    _ "runtime/pprof"
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Net/HTTP /pprof is only wrapped in the Runtime /pprof package and exposed on the HTTP port.

Go Tool Pprof auxiliary tool installation (graphviz as an example)

  • Windows: 1. The official download the installation package: www.graphviz.org/download/ download Stable Stable release. (msi) 2. Configure PATH system environment variable: C: Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin

  • Linux (example: Centos)

1) adding repo rely on

yum list available 'graphviz*'
yum install 'graphviz*'  --skip-broken
# Note: --skip-broken Optional: skip error dependencies. Leaving this parameter will prompt installation package dependency errors, because no other installation packages are needed, so skip it.
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— Skip-broken Optional: Skip error dependencies. If this parameter is not added, installation package dependency errors will be displayed, because no other installation packages are required, so skip it.

/configure make make install

  • MacOS:

    brew install graphviz

Go Tool pprof common basic debugging command (default 30s collection time, can be set to –seconds)

HTTP scenario (optional :–text) :

Heap profile:

go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/heap  
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CPU profile:

go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile  
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Goroutine blocking profile:

go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/block  
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1. The real time through the address to check the browser: http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/; 2. Analyze the file based on the generated profile. Select the specified profile compression gz file (.gz) and use go Tool pprof to enter

go tool pprof http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile
# Enter the interaction directly after the end:
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To view historical debugging files, run the following command: go Tool pprof [*.gz]

Pprof interaction basic commands: Web directly generate SVG diagrams accessible by Web browsers; Windows automatically generate. SVG file and call the default browser access; A. Gz file is automatically generated in MacOS. You can manually access the file path as prompted.

[Note] : The profile is empty, heap and block are generally not affected. Executing an interactive Web command reports:

(pprof) web
profile is empty
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Cause: The PPROF memory analyzer takes a sampling approach and only collects information from a subset of memory allocations. It is possible to sample an object in proportion to the size of the object being sampled. Change the sample ratio by using the Go test –memprofilerate flag, or by using the memprofilerate variable in the run configuration at startup. A ratio of 1 will result in all application information being collected, but this will slow execution. The default sampling ratio is once per 512KB memory request.

  • Method 1). During debugging, specify running parameters or dynamically adjust parameters in running code
go tool pprof --text http://localhost:8080/debug/pprof/profile
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This command will print the list of functions that consume the most CPU time. There are several output forms available, the most practical being –text, –web, and –list. Run “Go Tool pprof” to get the complete list.

[Note] : During the actual test, MacOS is almost empty. You need to specify parameters.

  • Method 2). Set environment variables (this method is not recommended!) Set the Go environment variable GODEBUG to “memprofilerate=1”.

  • Performance debugging granularity can be controlled by controlling the proportion and behavior of samples!

Pprof interactive command help says (some commands require third-party tools support) :

(pprof) help
   cmd [n] [--cum] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]*
       Produce a text report with the top n entries.
       Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
       Add --cum to sort using cumulative data.
       Available commands:
         callgrind    Outputs a graph in callgrind format
         disasm       Output annotated assembly for functions matching regexp or address
         dot          Outputs a graph in DOT format
         eog          Visualize graph through eog
         evince       Visualize graph through evince
         gif          Outputs a graph image in GIF format
         gv           Visualize graph through gv
         list         Output annotated source for functions matching regexp
         pdf          Outputs a graph in PDF format
         peek         Output callers/callees of functions matching regexp
         png          Outputs a graph image in PNG format
         proto        Outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format
         ps           Outputs a graph in PS format
         raw          Outputs a text representation of the raw profile
         svg          Outputs a graph in SVG format
         tags         Outputs all tags in the profile
         text         Outputs top entries in text form
         top          Outputs top entries in text form
         tree         Outputs a text rendering of call graph
         web          Visualize graph through web browser
         weblist      Output annotated source in HTML for functions matching regexp or address
   peek func_regex
       Display callers and callees of functions matching func_regex.
   dot [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file]
       Produce an annotated callgraph with the top n entries.
       Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
       For other outputs, replace dot with:
       - Graphic formats: dot, svg, pdf, ps, gif, png (use > to name output file)
       - Graph viewer:    gv, web, evince, eog
   callgrind [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file]
       Produce a file in callgrind-compatible format.
       Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
   weblist func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
       Show annotated source with interspersed assembly in a web browser.
   list func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
       Print source for routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
   disasm func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
       Disassemble routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
   tags tag_regex [-ignore_regex]*
       List tags with key:value matching tag_regex and exclude ignore_regex.
         Exit pprof.
       The following options can be set individually:
           cum/flat:           Sort entries based on cumulative or flat data
           call_tree:          Build context-sensitive call trees
           nodecount:          Max number of entries to display
           nodefraction:       Min frequency ratio of nodes to display
           edgefraction:       Min frequency ratio of edges to display
           focus/ignore:       Regexp to include/exclude samples by name/file
           tagfocus/tagignore: Regexp or value range to filter samples by tag
                               eg "1mb"."1mb:2mb".":64kb"
           functions:          Level of aggregation for sample data
           unit:               Measurement unit to use on reports
           Sample value selection by index:
            sample_index:      Index of sample value to display
            mean:              Average sample value over first value
           Sample value selection by name:
            alloc_space        for heap profiles
            total_delay        for contention profiles
   :   Clear focus/ignore/hide/tagfocus/tagignore

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Jack Liu’s Github address: