Basic types of



Signed integer

Int8, int16, int32, int64

Unsigned integer

Uint8, UINT16, uint32, uint64

Byte = Uint8 alias

An alias for rune =int32, representing a Unicode code point

Platform correlation type

type 32 bit system A 64 – bit system
int int32 int64
uint uint32 uint64
uintptr uint32 uint64

Floating point type



The compound type

Complex64, complex128

The structure of the body

Type [name] struct{}

Custom type

type CusInt int

Pointer types


An array of

[n]T, arrays are fixed size in go


[]T, slice and array are almost the same, the only difference is that the slice size is not fixed, arrays can be easily converted into slices, not vice versa

Methods and interfaces


// The following code in any go file defines a method
func Method(a){}// The go support method has multiple return values, and you can use _ to ignore one of them when you don't care about it
func Method(a) (string,error){
    return "".nil
// Ignore the return value
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Variable parameter method

/ /... Type means that the method receives an array of type, and the size of the array is variable, depending on the number of arguments passed by the caller
func Method(args ...type){
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Interface types are commonly used for behavior constraints, and go is no exception. However, one useful aspect of an interface in GO is that it can be used as any type (an empty interface), as follows:

// Use the interface keyword directly to define any type of variable
var i interface{} =1
var s interface{} ="string"(i)
// The I,s variables cannot be used directly

// The correct usage is as follows:
i:=i.(int)  // This is called an assertion in go, and will crash if I is not an int (except in switch statements).

// In general, it is safer to use the following method, with the ok argument to indicate whether the assertion was successful
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The variable declared by interface{} in GO returns the address of the variable, that is, the type of the pointer. To obtain the specific value to which the pointer points, I.(type), that is, the way of assertion, is required.

Declare an interface type

In Go, the compiler does not force subclasses to implement the interface, which means that the implementation is done implicitly

// We define a People interface type and specify that the interface has a constraint on the Name method
type People interface{
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Implementing an interface

type ManPeople struct{}

func (people ManPeople) Name(a){}
// If ManPeople does not implement the Name method of People, it will not pass the pre-compile code check
var people People=ManPeople{}
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Variable parameters of arbitrary types through interface implementation methods

// The Method Method will accept any number of arguments of any type
func Method(args ...interface{}){}// This Method only takes any number of arguments of type People
func Method(args ... People){}Copy the code


There is no concept of a class in GO, usually our code starts with a struct, and it is easy to emulate a class in Go

// First we define a structure that describes how data is stored in memory
type People struct{
    Name string
// We can create an instance by dropping it
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