Interface interface

An interface is a set of method signatures to which all subclasses that implement the signature can be assigned.

There are two types of interfaces used in GO :1. Used as type signatures and 2. Empty interfaces (without method signatures)

Used as a type signature

type Abser interface {
	Abs() float64
type Vertex struct {
	X, Y float64

func (v *Vertex) Abs(a) float64 {
	return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)

func main(a) {
	var a Abser
	v := Vertex{3.4}
	a = &v // a *Vertex implements Abser
	// V is a Vertex (instead of *Vertex)
	// when v.abs () is called, it is actually converted to (&v).abs ()
	// So Abser is not implemented
	// The following is an error code
	a = v

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Empty interface

An empty interface is an interface that does not have any method signature and can accept any type of value

func main(a) {
	var i interface{}
	i = 1
	i = 1.1
	i = "1"
	i = map[string]interface{}{}
	i = []int{}
	i = true
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Interface with nil

An interface is similar to a structure where an interface variable records the value it actually points to and the type of that value

type interface struct{
	data interface{}
	type Type
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In the following example, when an interface type is assigned a bool, the interface actually stores two values, a concrete value and a type

var i interface{}
i = true
fmt.Printf("%v %T",i,i) // true bool
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Do not determine if the interface is nil

func main(a) {

	var i interface{}
	if i == nil {
		log.Println("is nil") 		// is nil
	var ipeople *IPeople
	i = ipeople
	log.Printf("%v %T", i, i)		// nil nil
	var people *People
	i = people
	if people == nil {
		log.Println("people is nil")  // people is nil
	if i == nil {
		log.Println("i is nil")}else {
		log.Println("i is not nil")   // i is not nil
		log.Printf("%v %T", i, i)     // nil *main.People
	var people2 People

	log.Printf("%v %T", people2, people2) //{} main.People

type People struct{}type IPeople interface{}
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Use assertions to determine if the interface is nil

Grammar: v, ok: (type) = I.

func main(a) {
	var i interface{}
	i = 1

	v, ok := i.(int)
	log.Println(v, ok) // 1 true

	var people *People
	i = people
	people, ok = i.(*People)
	log.Println(people, ok) // <nil> true

	var ipeople *IPeople
	i = ipeople
	ipeople, ok = i.(*IPeople)
	log.Println(ipeople, ok) // <nil> true

	var people1 People
	var ipeople1 IPeople
	i = people1
	people1, ok = i.(People)
	log.Println(ipeople, ok) // <nil> true
	i = ipeople1
	ipeople1, ok = i.(IPeople)
	log.Println(ipeople1, ok) // <nil> false
	if ok && ipeople==nil{
        // do...}}type People struct{}
type IPeople interface{}
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