The installation interface

After the program is started, the installation screen is automatically opened in the browser.

Because the program will use Redis and MySQL, please input the configuration information of Redis and MySQL before installation. Click the initialization button, and the data table and default data will be initialized. You can see the initialization log information on the right.

After the initialization is successful, restart the program and the login page is displayed.

Login screen

Enter the default account admin and password admin to log in.

Dashboard interface

Displays project information, memory information, hard disk information, and CPU information.

Configuration Information -> Alarm Mailbox

You can configure the sender and recipient of system alarms. When Panic occurs, you can notify the system by email.

Configuration information -> Error code

Displays error codes defined in the system.

Code generator -> Generate data table CURD

On the left side, you can select one or more data tables for code generation.

Code generator -> Generate controller methods

On the left side, you can set the name of the handler you want to generate.

Authorize the caller -> caller

Set who can call my interface and which interfaces can be authorized to call.

Authorize the caller -> Instructions

System Administrator -> Administrator

You can set who can log in to the background, disable it, reset its password, authorize the menu, log it out, and delete it.

System Administrator -> Menu Management

Set the background sidebar menu.

Query assistant -> Query cache

Query Redis cache content and validity period, and clear the cache.

Query little assistant -> Query data

Query MySQL data, and input SQL statements for execution and analysis.

Utility Toolbox -> Service upgrade

The upgrade guide is provided for different versions.

Utility toolbox -> Hashids

In the program, ciphertext is used to transfer THE ID.

Utility toolbox -> Call logging

Displays the latest 100 call logs.

Utility Toolbox -> Interface documentation

Utility toolbox -> GraphQL

Utility toolbox -> Interface metrics

Similar indicator graphs can be generated in Grafana according to indicators.

The project address

The source address…

/ / run directly after download $git clone $CD $go go - gin - API run main. Go - env fat / / - env fat Represents the test environmentCopy the code

Online documentation…

Nothing but fun

Article so long, see this old iron, must be true love fan, report to everyone, a new knowledge planet (ball age 1 day), cough… Well, it’s a trial run, so it’s hard to say, um… It’s hard to say…

Where I share what I think is ok (maybe from somewhere else), such as career development, technology, creative discovery, etc. And so on, will also invite some friends to join, are ordinary workers, ordinary.

There I will not promise to bring you how much harvest, because maybe you are better than me, I am a vegetable chicken, no doubt.

In fact, there is nothing but fun

By the way, I also set the way to join for [pay], also do not know who gave me the courage.

The above.