“This is the 12th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022.”

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Making the source code


3. Access gateway

3.1 proto file

  • api-gateway/services/proto

Copy the two proto files from our user module and do the same to generate a PB file.

Note that the proto file is regenerated in api-gateway

3.2 Access Routes

  • api-gateway/weblib/router.go

To access gin routes in this file, the middleware part is omitted.

func NewRouter(service ...interface{}) *gin.Engine {
	ginRouter := gin.Default()
	// Using middleware, receive service invocation instances
	ginRouter.Use(middlewares.Cors(), middlewares.InitMiddleware(service), middlewares.ErrorMiddleware())
	// Use session middleware
	store := cookie.NewStore([]byte("something-very-secret"))
	ginRouter.Use(sessions.Sessions("mysession", store))
		// Test the connection
		v1.GET("pong".func(c *gin.Context) {
			c.JSON(200."success")})// User services
		v1.POST("/user/register", handlers.UserRegister)
		v1.POST("/user/login", handlers.UserLogin)
	return ginRouter
Copy the code

3.3 Interface Writing

3.3.1 User Registration

  • Define request parameters
var userReq services.UserRequest
Copy the code
  • Binding parameters
Copy the code
  • Obtaining service Instances
userService := ginCtx.Keys["userService"].(services.UserService)
Copy the code
  • Retrieve service objects
userRes, err := userService.UserRegister(context.Background(), &userReq)
Copy the code
  • Return the data
ginCtx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"data": userRes})
Copy the code
  • The complete code
func UserRegister(ginCtx *gin.Context) {
	var userReq services.UserRequest
	// Fetch the service instance from gin. Keys
	userService := ginCtx.Keys["userService"].(services.UserService)
	userRes, err := userService.UserRegister(context.Background(), &userReq)
	ginCtx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"data": userRes})
Copy the code

3.3.2 User Login

func UserLogin(ginCtx *gin.Context) {
	var userReq services.UserRequest  
	// Define the request parameters
	// Bind the service
	userService := ginCtx.Keys["userService"].(services.UserService)
	// Fetch the service instance from gin. Keys
	userRes, err := userService.UserLogin(context.Background(), &userReq)
	// Call a function on the server
	token, err := util.GenerateToken(uint(userRes.UserDetail.ID)) 
	/ / token is generated
	iferr ! =nil {
		userRes.Code = e.ERROR_AUTH_TOKEN
	ginCtx.JSON(200, gin.H{"code": userRes.Code, "msg": e.GetMsg(userRes.Code), "data": gin.H{"admin": userRes.UserDetail, "token": token}})   
	// The response is returned
Copy the code

3.4 access etcd

  • Define user module microservice instances
	etcdReq := etcd.NewRegistry(
		registry.Addrs(""),/ / user
	userMicroService := micro.NewService(
	// User service invocation instance
	userService := services.NewUserService("rpcUserService", userMicroService.Client())
Copy the code
  • Define an instance of the HTTP microservice module, expose the HTTP interface using GIN and register it with ETCD
	server := web.NewService(
		web.Address(": 4000"),
		// Handle service invocation instances using GIN
		web.Handler(weblib.NewRouter(userService)), // Put the userService microservice instance into it
		web.Metadata(map[string]string{"protocol": "http"}),)Copy the code

Check whether the HTTP service is registered with the ETCD

3.5 test

Run it in the user/main.go file

go run main.go --registry=etcd --registry_address=127.0. 01.:2379
Copy the code

Run the command in api-gateway/main.go

go run main.go --registry=etcd --registry_address=127.0. 01.:2379
Copy the code
  • User registration

  • The user login