By default, we create a mysql table structure with a primary key ID that increments. After creating a record, we use that primary key ID to associate other businesses.

The table structure is as follows:

  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL.`age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
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Gorm provides the default Create method to retrieve data from previous objects after creating a piece of data, such as:

type Tests struct {
	Id   int64  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int64  `json:"age"`

mbr := Tests{
	Name: "111",
	Age:  10,
err = db.Table("test").Create(&mbr).Error
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After creation, you can get the increment number from

However, there is an awkward aspect to this approach. What if the Age or Name field is empty?

The following code:

type Tests struct {
	Id   int64  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int64  `json:"age"`

mbr := Tests{
	Name: "111",
err = db.Table("test").Create(&mbr).Error
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The following SQL statement is executed, which sets age to a default value of 0, but the database default value is NULL, and 0 can make business sense.

INSERT  INTO `test` (`name`,`age`) VALUES ('111', 0)Copy the code

So how can we avoid zero?

There are three methods, all of which are implemented through changes to the Model structure.

  • Method one, add to the structuredefaultField, sSql statement will not set null value when assembling, but the default value will not take effect, which is redundant.
type Tests struct {
	Id   int64  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int64  `gorm:"default:'0'"json:"age"`

mbr := Tests{
	Name: "222",
err = db.Table("test").Create(&mbr).Error
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SQL statement executed:

INSERT  INTO `test` (`name`) VALUES ('222')
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  • Method 2: change the type of the struct variable to pointer
type Tests struct {
	Id   int64  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  *int64 `json:"age"`

mbr := Tests{
	Name: "111",
err = db.Table("test").Create(&mbr).Error
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Execute the following SQL statement to convert the NULL pointer to NULL.

INSERT  INTO `test` (`name`,`age`) VALUES ('111',NULL)
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  • Method three, usesql.NullInt64Define fields
type Tests struct {
	Id   int64  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  sql.NullInt64

mbr := Tests{
	Name: "111",
err = db.Table("test").Create(&mbr).Error
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Execute the same SQL statement as method 2.

INSERT  INTO `test` (`name`.`age`) VALUES ('111'.NULL)
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All three methods increase the complexity of the structured object to some extent, but the ideal way is to keep the structured object simple and intuitive.

Therefore, you can take the direct write SQL method, although can implement the new method, but cannot get the insert row of data increment ID.

dbRes := db.Table("test").Exec("insert into test (name) values('pengj')")
fmt.Println("value ->",dbRes.Value)
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After looking at the gorm source code implementation, we found that both Create and Update methods call NewScope methods when they are called, so we try to use the following method:

mbr := Tests{}
db.Table("test").NewScope(mbr).Raw("insert into test (name) values('xm')").Exec()
fmt.Println( mbr)
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At first, I thought that the entire data would be put in the MBR after the data was created, but to my disappointment, the MBR object did not increment the primary key ID.

Gorm is an orM that encapsulates the underlying database/ SQL. If it is degraded, it will solve the problem.

After continuing to open the code, I found the following implementation:

res, err := db.CommonDB().Exec("insert into test (name) values('xm')")
iferr ! =nil {
affectId, _ := res.RowsAffected()
insertId, _ := res.LastInsertId()
fmt.Println("affectId && insertId ", affectId, insertId)
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The final output, which solves the problem at the beginning of the article, is insertId, which is the value of the increment ID in the table structure.

affectId && insertId  1 110
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