New users
- To obtain parameters
err := c.Bind(&r)
iferr! =nil{
u:=model.UserModel{Username: r.Username,Password: r.Password,}
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- Calibration parameters
// Validate the data.
iferr := u.Validate(); err ! =nil {
handler.SendResponse(c, errno.ErrValidation, nil)
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- Encrypted password
// Encrypt the user password.
iferr := u.Encrypt(); err ! =nil {
handler.SendResponse(c, errno.ErrEncrypt, nil)
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- Insert data
// Insert the user to the database.
iferr := u.Create(); err ! =nil {
handler.SendResponse(c, errno.ErrDatabase, nil)
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- Returns a response
rsp := CreateResponse{
Username: r.Username,
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Query the user
- Get parameters and query the database
usename := c.Param("username")
user, err := model.GetUser(usename)
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- Returns a response
iferr! =nil{
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Update user
The logic is basically the same as that of a new user, except that in addition to the structure that receives the user’s information, it also receives the user’s ID, combines these and queries
Delete user
- Read the parameter
useId, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("id"))
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- Deletes a record from the database and returns the result of the deletion
if err := model.Delete(uint64(useId)); err ! =nil {
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Querying a User List
Querying a REST resource list usually requires paging. If too many lists are returned without paging, API response is slow and front-end experience is poor. Therefore, the query function is paginated, and the offset and limit parameters passed in the received request correspond to the MySQL offset and limit parameters, respectively
- The sync package is used in the ListUser() function to do parallel queries
- IdMap is used because the list of the query usually needs to be sorted in chronological order. Generally, the list after the database query has been sorted, but in order to reduce the delay, the program uses concurrency, which will disrupt the sorting. Therefore, IdMap is used to record the order before the concurrent processing, and then reset after processing.
for _, userModel := range user {
go func(userModel *model.UserModel) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
id, err2 := util.GenShortId()
iferr2! =nil{
defer list.Lock.Unlock()
list.IdMap[userModel.Id] = &model.UserInfo{
Id: userModel.Id,
Username: userModel.Username,
SayHello: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s", id),
Password: userModel.Password,
CreatedAt:userModel.CreatedAt.Format("The 2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
UpdatedAt: userModel.UpdatedAt.Format("The 2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
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- User list structure
list := model.UserList{Lock: new(sync.Mutex),
IdMap: make(map[uint64]*model.UserInfo, len(user))}
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- Error message channel and completion message channel
errors:= make(chan error, 1)
finish := make(chan bool.1)
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- Add user
- The results of
- Query the user
- Modify the user
- Viewing a User List
- Delete user