Development tool: GoLand

The official code specification:

1. The tool

  • Use the FMT tool to format the code before submitting it
  • Static checks are performed using vet tools before code submission

2. Directory specifications

| – bin

| – build

| – build_dev/test/release. Sh

| – gen – go

| config –

| – dev/test/release. Yml

| – PKG

The controller | –

| – dao

| – RPC

| – service

| – * _impl. Go

| – * _test. Go

| – * _mock. Go

| – vendor

| – README, md

3. Naming conventions

  1. file
    • Lowercase + underscore
  2. Package name
    • The package name must be the same as the directory to avoid conflicts with the standard library
    • Avoid importing relative paths
  3. Method/interface
    • Use the hump nomenclature
    • For a non-external method, the first letter must be lowercase
  4. variable
    • Use the hump nomenclature
  5. constant
  • Uppercase + underscore

4. Comment

  • Can be achieved by/ *... * /or/ /...Add comments,//You should add a space after that

  • The comment content needs to be above the file/method/variable

Abnormal 5.

  • Exceptions need to be judged and processed
  • Do not assign error to anonymous variables_

6. Other

  • Disallow Panic calls in logic, select log.fatal of logs
  • Don’t call defer too often
  • Return as early as possible and as soon as an error occurs
  • If accepts an initialization statement, and the convention is to create a local variable as follows

    iferr := file.Chmod(0664); err ! = nil {return err
    }Copy the code
  • The receiver name of the method is usually the first letter of strcut and lowercase, not this, me, or self

type rpcClient struct {

       once sync.Once


func (r *rpcClient) newCodec(contentType string) (codec.NewCodec, error) {



  • For a variable of type boolvar b boolInstead of comparing it to true/false, use it as a judgment directly
  • Byte /string Slice equality comparison, using Equal
  • Do not use pointer passing when recipients are map, chan, func, as they are themselves reference types
  • Do not use pointer passing when the receiver is a slice and the slice is not sliced or reallocated internally
  • When a function needs to modify the receiver internally, it must use pointer passing
  • When the receiver is a structure and containssync.MutexOr a similar member for synchronization. You must use pointer passing to avoid member copying

  • When the receiver type is a structure and large, or a large array, pointer passing is recommended to improve performance, and value passing is fine for other scenarios