The target

  • Build the simplest microservices architecture

Introduction to the

GO Kit is a toolkit for building microservices that helps us solve common problems in distributed systems and application architectures, allowing us to focus more on the business logic itself.

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Go-kit address: Procedure code in this article:… Submission point: Build the basic three-layer framework of Go-Kit

Go-kit three-tier architecture
  1. Transport

Responsible for the logic related to HTTP, GRPC, THRIFT, etc

  1. Endpoint

Define Request and Response formats, as well as various middleware

  1. Service

Business class, interface

Prepare the corresponding structure

1.1 Preparing the go.mod File

module com.calvin.service

require v010.. 0

go 1.14
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1.2 Complete the Server Layer-Service Logic

  • Here we mainly define a UserService service and a GetName method (to get the user’s name based on the userId passed in).
package service

type IUserService interface {
	GetName(userId int) string

type UserService struct{}func (s UserService) GetName(userId int) string {
	if userId == 101 {
		return "calvin"
	return "guest"
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1.3 Complete the Endpoint layer – encapsulate requests and responses

  • Here,endpoint.EndpointIt actually returns a function type.
  • The Endpoint represents a single PRC method, which is the bridge between the server and the client.
  • In this RPC method, we encapsulate the user’s request and the corresponding return structure
package endpoint

import (

type UserRequest struct {
	Uid int `json:"uid"`

type UserResponse struct {
	Result string `json:"result"`

func GetUserEndPoint(userService service.IUserService) endpoint.Endpoint {
	return func(ctx context.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error) {
		r := request.(UserRequest)
		result := userService.GetName(r.Uid)
		return UserResponse{Result: result}, nil}}Copy the code

1.3 Complete the Transport layer – responsible for the logic related to HTTP, GRPC, THRIFT, etc

  • Here we define how the data should be interacted, which can be in JSON/XML/binary format
  • The DecodeUserRequest method is used to parse the data sent by the user
  • The EncodeUserResponse method is used to encode the data sent to the customer
package transport

import (

func DecodeUserRequest(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	// We get the user ID directly from params in the URL
    // The request format is similar to: uid=101
	if r.URL.Query().Get("uid") != "" {
		uid, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("uid"))
		return endpoint.UserRequest{Uid: uid}, nil
	return nil, errors.New("Parameter error")}func EncodeUserResponse(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, response interface{}) error {
    // Place the return body in json format
	return json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(response)

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1.4 Write the main program

package main

import (
	httpTransport ""

func main(a) {
	user := service.UserService{}
	endPoint := endpoint.GetUserEndPoint(user)
	// Construct a service that implements http.handler and wraps the endpoint layer
	serverHandler := httpTransport.NewServer(endPoint, transport.DecodeUserRequest, transport.EncodeUserResponse)
	// Listen on the port, and use serverHandler to handle subsequent requests
	_ = http.ListenAndServe(": 8080", serverHandler)

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1.5 Running Programs

  • Request, we will find that the request has an error in the parsing process, has not entered the server layer

  • Request to uid=1999

  • Request to uid=101

At the end

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