Go basis
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Go Environment Installation (Windows)
Installation address: golang.google.cn/dl/
A foolproof installation that should automatically configure environment variables after installation
After the installation, check whether environment variables are configured successfully. If the environment variables are not configured successfully, manually configure them
Go version / / incmdThe current GO version is displayed when you enter this commandCopy the code
hello world
Go editor goland or vscode
package main // define package main as the main program of the package
import "fmt" // Import go standard library FMT
func main(a) {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")}go run <filename>.go // Run the program command using goland configurable start configuration click start
Copy the code
Language structure of go
- Package declaration package
- Introducing the package import
- Function func main ()
- variable
- Statement & expression
- annotation
The go keyword
break | default | func | interface | select |
case | defer | go | map | struct |
chan | else | goto | package | switch |
const | fallthrough | if | range | type |
continue | for | import | return | var |
Go data type
Boolean (true or false)
var b bool = true Copy the code
Number type (integer int float32 float64)
- plastic
The serial number Type and Description 1 uint8Unsigned 8-bit integer (0 to 255) 2 uint16Unsigned 16-bit integer (0 to 65535) 3 uint32Unsigned 32-bit integer (0 to 4294967295) 4 uint64Unsigned 64-bit integer (0 to 18446744073709551615) 5 int8Signed 8-bit integers (-128 to 127) 6 int16Signed 16-bit integers (-32768 to 32767) 7 int32Signed 32-bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647) 8 int64Signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807) - floating-point
The serial number Type and Description 1 float32Ieee-754 32-bit floating point number 2 float64Ieee-754 64-bit floating point number 3 complex6432-bit real and imaginary numbers 4 complex12864-bit real and imaginary numbers - Other numeric types
The serial number Type and Description 1 byteSimilar uint8 2 runeSimilar int32 3 uint32 or 64 bits 4 intSame size as uint 5 uintptrAn unsigned integer used to hold a pointer -
String type
The derived type
- Pointer type
- An array type
- Structure (struct)
- Channel
- function
- switch
- Interface
- Map
Go language variable
The rule for defining variable names consists of letters, digits, and underscores (_). The first letter cannot be a number
A variable defined in GO must be used, or it will compile an error
In the import package or accept the return value of the function, if you do not want to use it, you can use _ receive to indicate that the value is discarded
Var a, b int var a string = '123' var a, b int = 1, Var a = 1 var b = true var a = 1 var b = true Func main() {a := 1} func main() {a := 1} // a := 1 // is equal to var a int Var (a int b string)Copy the code
Zero value
*int []int map[string] int chan int func(string) int error // Error is the interfaceCopy the code
Value type and reference type
The value type (int float bool string) is stored on the stack (much like JS)
Reference types
A reference type stores a memory address (pointer) through which data is accessed
Pointers to the same reference type can be contiguous or scattered in memory
R2 = R1 assignment between reference types, only reference addresses are assigned
Go constants
Const a int = 1 const b string = "123" const (Man = 0 woMan = 1)Copy the code
Iota special constants Constants that can be modified by the compiler
Const (a = iota b c) const (a = iota b c) const (a = iota b c)Copy the code
The instance
Package main import "FMT" func main() {const (a = iota //0 b //1 c //2 d = "ha", Iota +=1 e //"ha" iota +=1 f = 100 g //100 ioTA +=1 h = ioTA //7, recovery count I //8) fmt.Println(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) }Copy the code
The operator
- Arithmetic operator
- Relational operator
- Logical operator
- An operator
- The assignment operator
- Other operators
- Arithmetic operator
The operator | describe |
+ | add |
– | Subtracting the |
* | multiply |
/ | division |
% | For more than |
++ | Since the increase |
— | Since the reduction of |
2. Relational operators
The operator | describe |
= = | Checks if two values are equal, returning True if they are, False otherwise. |
! = | Checks if two values are not equal, returning True if not False otherwise. |
> | Checks if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right, and returns True if so, False otherwise. |
< | Checks if the value on the left is less than the value on the right, and returns True if so, False otherwise. |
> = | Checks if the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right, and returns True if so, False otherwise. |
< = | Checks if the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right, and returns True if it is False otherwise. |
3. Logical operators
The operator | describe |
&& | The logical AND operator. Condition True if both operands are True, False otherwise. |
|| | The logical OR operator. Condition True if both operands have a True, otherwise False. |
! | Logical NOT operator. If the condition is True, the logic NOT condition False, otherwise True. |
Bit operation (no, can’t understand)
The assignment operator
The operator describe = A simple assignment operator that assigns the value of an expression to an lvalue + = Add them and assign them – = Subtract and assign * = Multiply and assign / = Divide and assign % = Remainder and then assign < < = Assign after left shift > > = Assign after right shift & = Assignment by bit and post ^ = Xor post assignment by bit | = Assignment by bit or post
6. Other operators
The operator | describe | The instance |
& | Returns the variable storage address | &a; The actual address of the variable is given. |
* | Pointer variables. | *a; Is a pointer variable |
Operator priority
priority | The operator |
5 | * / % << >> & &^ |
4 | + – | ^ |
3 | = =! = < <= > >= |
2 | && |
1 | || |
Go conditional statement
var a int = 10 if a < 20 { } Copy the code
if else
var a int = 10 if a < 8 { } else { } Copy the code
Switch does not need to add a break match to automatically stop
Fallthrough can be used if the match needs to be executed
A switch can match multiple values in a case
Var a int = 50 switch a {case 90: case 80: case 50,60,70: default:}Copy the code
Type switch
var x interface {} switch i := x.(type) { case int: case nil: case float64: default } Copy the code
Using fallthrough enforces subsequent case statements. Fallthrough does not determine whether the expression in the next case is true.
Func main() {switch {case false: FMT.Println("1, case conditional statement false") fallthrough case true: Println("2, case conditional statement true") fallthrough case false: FMT.Println("3, case conditional statement false") fallthrough case true: Println("4, case conditional statement true") case false: FMT.Println("5, case conditional statement false") fallThrough default: Println("6, default case")}}Copy the code
Select is a control structure in Go, similar to the switch statement used for communication. Each case must be a communication operation, either send or receive.
Select randomly executes a runnable case. If there are no cases to run, it blocks until there are cases to run. A default clause should always run.
var c1, c2 chan int var i1, i2 int select { case i1 = <-c1: fmt.Printf(i1) case c2 <- i2: fmt.Printf(c2) default: fmt.Printf('') } Copy the code
Go cycle
- Common for
func main() { sum := 0 for(i := 0; i<= 10; Sum () {sum := 1 for; sum := 1 for; Sum <= 10 {sum += sum}} func main() {sum := 1 for sum <= 10 {sum += sum}} func main() { sum := 1 for { sum += sum } }Copy the code
For range can slice an array of strings and so on
Func main() {strings := []string{"vue", "react"} for I,v := range strings {FMT.Printf(I,v) // I is index v is value}}Copy the code
Go loop control statement
Break Interrupts the for loop or switch
Continue Jumps out of this loop for the next loop
Goto transfers control to the marked statement
Go function
Function defined form
Func function_name([parameter list]) [return_types] {body} func Max (num1, num2 int) (int, int) {return num1, num2} func function_name([parameter list]) [return_types] {body} func Max (num1, num2 int) (int, int) {return num1, num2}Copy the code
Function and the cords
- Value passing calls the function to copy arguments into the function
- Passing by reference passes the address of a parameter to a function, changing the parameter to affect the actual parameter
Func Max (num1, num2 int) (int, int) {return num1, num2} func main() {Max (1, 2)} y *int) { var a int a = *x *x = *y *y = a } func main() { var a int = 100 var b int = 200 max(a,b) }Copy the code
Go way
Go has both functions and methods. A method is a function that contains a acceptor, which can be a value of a named or struct type or a pointer. All methods of a given type belong to the set of methods of that type.
Define method structure
Func (variable_name variable_data_type) function_name() [return_type]{/* Function body */}Copy the code
Package main import (" FMT ") /* Define struct */ type Circle struct {radius float64} func main() {var c1 Circle c1.radius = 10.00 FMT.Println(" Circle area = ", C1.getarea ())} func (c Circle) getArea() float64 {// c.adius is a property of Circle 3.14 * c.adius * c.adius}Copy the code
An array of
Declare array Array length is fixed
Var arrayList [10]int{1,2,3,4} arrList := [...] Int {} // use... ArrList := [5]int{1:100, // The number of elements in {} cannot exceed the specified length */ / Access array elements by subscript access arrList[0]Copy the code