Go GoProxy(1): Introduction

Poor writing power, obscure article, hope more corrections!

Excerpt paraphrase based on Repo


The GoProxy library is based on golang’s customizable HTTP proxy library

Support: HTTP proxy, HTTP CONNECT HTTPS proxy, and HTTPS proxy based on man-in-the-middle hijacking.

The main purpose is under a certain flow, can be customized and programming.

Is essentially a NET/HTTP program.

Mailing List

New features will be discussed on the mailing list before development.

Latest Stable Release

The latest version of address gopkg. In/elazarl/goproxy v1

Why not Fiddler2?

Fiddler2 is excellent, but GoProxy is more customizable.

Goproxy is a better fit than Fildder: collect statistics on page load times for a particular site over a week. You can ask all users to set their proxies to a proxy server with GoProxy installed, and Fiddler is a GUI application that is not suitable to install on a server with multi-user connections.

What’s New

  1. Ability to hijack HTTP CONNECT requests. See the eavesdropper example

  2. Transparent proxy supports HTTP/HTTPS, including MITM certificate generation for TLS. See Transparent Example.


Author: Go-Compatible BSD License.

If this prevents someone from using the software, please let me know and I will consider changing it. However, user feedback is very important to me, and I’d be happy if you were using the package.

Beta Software

I’ve had positive feedback from some people who use GoProxy in production environments. I’m sure it’s good enough.

I will try to maintain reasonable backward compatibility. If the API changes significantly, I will change the import path.