What is Javacv? What can the JavacV technology stack do?

I’m sure you’re interested in JavacV, and I happen to know a little about javacV, so I’m going to give you an idea of what JavacV can do and where it can excel.

Javacv is not only capable of image processing, with the powerful cross-platform and rapid development of JavacV, whether you are Windows, Mac, Linux, raspberry PI embedded, Javacv allows you to excel in image processing, face detection and recognition, character recognition, audio and video streaming, raspberry PI (embedded), and deep learning.

Image processing and image recognition

Moreover is the image processing and image recognition, can use OpencV image detection recognition and tessert character recognition, they are no different, but JavacV through JNI let them cross platform just, do not need to go to their own packaging. The rest includes matrix calculation, deep learning and other aspects, which are not well understood and will not be described.

Audio and Video Processing (FFMPEG)

The first is audio and video processing, encoding and decoding, packaging, as long as FFMPEG can javacV, they are no different.

Embedded development (Raspberry PI etc.) :

Many people use JavacV in raspberry PI and so on some arm chip based board, external mounted camera or audio equipment can achieve audio and video upload, image processing, image recognition and so on. Can be used in a variety of image acquisition equipment, robot vision, face punch card and residential access control and other fields.

Audio and video streaming:

Using the advantages of JavacV streaming media, you can easily achieve audio and video collection, streaming, encoding and decoding, packaging and other operations.

Deep learning:

Deeplearn4j is not well known for leveraging Java’s big data capabilities for deep learning, but it is well known.

Face detection and recognition:

Javacv online search to the most article is about face detection and recognition, JavacV official website home demo is the example of face detection, OpencV can do it can.

Text recognition:

Tesseract-ocr can be easily implemented character library training, character recognition. Also can use javacV unique streaming media properties and embedded development features to achieve the character recognition of the camera, video image character recognition and other scenes.

Application scenarios of JavacV stack

Many of you are wondering, in what application scenarios is JavacV commonly used today? Javacv is cross-platform and works not only on Windows, Linux, MacOS and other servers, but also on a variety of embedded boards.