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Author: lomtom
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Personal public account: Bosiao Yuan
Your support is my biggest motivation.
All back-end applications need database operations, and there are some useful database operations components in Go, such as Gorm, which is a good choice.
Here are the advantages of Gorm’s own example:
- A fully functional ORM
- (Has One, Has Many, Belongs To, Many To Many, polymorphism, single table inheritance)
- Hook methods in Create, Save, Update, Delete, and Find
- Supports preloading of preloads and Joins
- Transactions, nested transactions, Save Point, Rollback To Saved Point
- Context, precompiled mode, DryRun mode
- Batch batches, FindInBatches, Find/Create with Map, CRUD using SQL expressions, Context Valuer
- SQL builder, Upsert, database lock, Optimizer/Index/Comment Hint, named parameter, subquery
- Compound primary key, index, constraint
- Auto Migration
- Custom Logger
- Flexible extensibility API: Database Resolver, Prometheus…
- Each feature has gone through a lot of testing
- Developer friendly
Of course, you may not use gorm as much as you do, but gorM is an excellent ORM framework for Go.
This article also does not explore the pros and cons of Gorm compared to other frameworks, but from the perspective of users, together with Gorm in the actual development of the use.
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The installation
Run the go get command on the console to install dependencies. The driver is installed based on actual use. MySQL is used as an example.
Gorm supports the following databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQlite, and SQL Server
go get -u
go get -u
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Just introduce dependencies at use time
import (
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Establish a connection
Using Gorm to establish a database connection is actually very simple, but to do good, it needs to pay attention to, here, will lead you how to from the simplest connection to good connection Settings.
The most basic connection
func GetDb(a) *gorm.DB {
// See for details
dsn := "User: pass @ TCP/dbname ( charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
iferr! =nil {
return nil
return db
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- To properly handle time. time, you need to take the parseTime argument,
- To support the full UTF-8 encoding, you need to change charset= UTF8 to charset= UTf8MB4
More parameter Settings:…
Setting a Connection Pool
Gorm also supports connection pooling, and Gorm maintains connection pooling using DATABASE/SQL
Use SetMaxIdleConns, SetMaxOpenConns, and SetConnMaxLifetime respectively to set the maximum number of idle connections, the maximum number of connections, and the connection idle timeout parameter.
func GetDb(a) *gorm.DB {
// See for details
dsn := "User: pass @ TCP/dbname ( charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{
iferr ! =nil {
return nil
sqlDB, err := db.DB()
iferr ! =nil {
log.Printf("database setup error %v", err)
sqlDB.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // Maximum number of idle connections
sqlDB.SetMaxOpenConns(100) // Maximum number of connections
sqlDB.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Hour) // Set connection idle timeout
return db
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Global connection
For ease of use, we can use a global variable to hold the connection to the database at the beginning and call it when we use it, without having to initialize the database again.
var db *gorm.DB
// GetDb gets the connection
func GetDb(a) *gorm.DB {
return db
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Instead of initializing db and assigning values to db, call GetDb directly when used
func DbInit(a){
// See for details
dsn := "User: pass @ TCP/dbname ( charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
tempDb, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{
iferr ! =nil {
return nil
sqlDB, err := tempDb.DB()
iferr ! =nil {
log.Printf("database setup error %v", err)
sqlDB.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // Maximum number of idle connections
sqlDB.SetMaxOpenConns(100) // Maximum number of connections
sqlDB.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Hour) // Set connection idle timeout
db = tempDb
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Using configuration files
At this point, you can actually use Gorm to set up database connections pretty well, but is there a way like Spring Boot to get connection parameters from configuration files?
-> Go (3) Go configuration file
Define database connection parameters in the configuration file
type: mysql
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
password: 123456
dbname: test
max_idle_conn: 10
max_open_conn: 30
conn_max_lifetime: 300
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Define the corresponding structure
var Database *database
type conf struct {
DB database `yaml:"database"`}type database struct {
Type string `yaml:"type"`
Host string `yaml:"host"`
Port string `yaml:"port"`
UserName string `yaml:"username"`
Password string `yaml:"password"`
DbName string `yaml:"dbname"`
MaxIdleConn int `yaml:"max_idle_conn"`
MaxOpenConn int `yaml:"max_open_conn"`
ConnMaxLifetime int `yaml:"conn_max_lifetime"`}Copy the code
How to bind parameters, please stamp -> Go (3) Go configuration file
For a more intuitive feel, extract the URI
// Get the link URI
func mySQLUri(a) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s? charset=utf8&parseTime=true",
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So this is what you end up with.
var db *gorm.DB
// GetDb gets the connection
func GetDb(a) *gorm.DB {
return db
// DbInit Initializes the database connection pool
func DbInit(a) {
conn, err1 := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(mySQLUri()), &gorm.Config{})
iferr1 ! =nil {
log.Printf("connect get failed.")
sqlDB, err := conn.DB()
iferr ! =nil {
log.Printf("database setup error %v", err)
sqlDB.SetMaxIdleConns(Database.MaxIdleConn) // Maximum number of idle connections
sqlDB.SetMaxOpenConns(Database.MaxOpenConn) // Maximum number of connections
sqlDB.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Duration(Database.ConnMaxLifetime) * time.Second) // Set connection idle timeout
db = conn
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If you want automatic initialization at project startup, change the DbInit method name to init; otherwise, you need to call the initialization yourself in the main method.
For better development, we can customize Gorm logs
// Initialize the database log
newLogger := logger.New(
log.New(os.Stdout, "\r\n", log.LstdFlags), // io writer
SlowThreshold: time.Second, // Slow SQL threshold
LogLevel: logger.Info, // Log level
IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: true.// Ignore ErrRecordNotFound error for logger
Colorful: true.// Disable color},)Copy the code
Place it as a parameter on the Gorm parameter ( (mySQLUri()), & gorm.config {})
conn, err1 := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(mySQLUri()), &gorm.Config{
Logger: newLogger,
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Gorm’s CURD leaves are relatively simple.
Define a structure User that has three fields, number, name, and password, except for the fields of the record
type User struct {
Id int64 `gorm:"primaryKey; column:id;" `
Username string `gorm:"column:user_name; type:varchar(255); default:(-)" `
Password string `gorm:"column:password; type:varchar(255); default:(-)"`
Deleted gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"column:deleted; type:timestamp; default:(-)"`
CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"column:create_time; type:timestamp; default:(-)"`
UpdateTime time.Time `gorm:"column:update_time; type:timestamp; default:(-)"`
// TableName specifies a custom TableName
func (*User) TableName(a) string {
return "users"
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- use
Specify the primary key - use
Specifies the column name in the database - use
Identifies the field as a delete flag if it is usedgorm.DeletedAt
, the database column type must be in time format. - use
Specify field type - use
Set the default values,-
Indicates that there is no default value. - use
Table name Database name when usedModel
When you bind a structure,Gorm
This method is called by default, but can be used otherwisedb.Table("user")
Explicitly indicate the table name.
The query
- Gets the first one, which is queried by default
// GetFirst SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id LIMIT 1;
func GetFirst(a) (user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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- Get the last one
// GetLast SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
func GetLast(a) (user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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- Obtained by primary key
// GetById SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1;
func GetById(id int64) (user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
return} is equivalent tofunc GetById(id int64) (user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&user).Where("id = ?",id).Find(&user)
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- Batch query using primary keys
// GetByIds SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1,2,3);
func GetByIds(ids []int64) (user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
return} is equivalent tofunc GetByIds(s []int64) (user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&user).Where("id in ?",ids).Find(&user)
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- Gets partial parameters, such as only the name and password
// GetSomeParam SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE id = 1;
func GetSomeParam(id int64) (user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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- Paging queries can be used
Limit & Offset
Paging query
// GetPage SELECT * FROM users OFFSET 5 LIMIT 10;
func GetPage(limit int,offset int) (user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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- order
// GetByOrder SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id desc, username;
func GetByOrder(a) (user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&user).Order("id desc,username").Find(&user)
return} is equivalent tofunc GetByOrder(a) (user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&user).Order("id desc").Order("username").Find(&user)
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- Create a single
func Create(user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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- Save a single
func Save(user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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Save does not insert data if it exists. Create does insert data in all cases
- Create multiple
func CreateBatch(user []*User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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Modify the
- Updating a single field
// UpdateUsername UPDATE users SET username = "lomtom" where id = 1
func UpdateUsername(id int64,username string) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?",id).Update("username",username)
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- Full/multi-column update (based on structure)
// UpdateByUser UPDATE `user` SET `id`=14,`user_name`='lomtom',`password`='123456',`create_time`='2021-09-26 14:22:21.271', 'update_time' ='2021-09-26 14:22:21.271' WHERE ID = 14 AND 'user'. 'deleted' IS NULL
func UpdateByUser(user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
db.Model(&User{}).Where("id = ?",user.Id).Updates(&user)
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- Simply delete (according to
Delete id from
// DeleteByUser DELETE from users where id = 28;
// DeleteByUser UPDATE 'user' SET 'deleted' ='2021-09-26 14:25:33.368' WHERE 'user'. 'id' = 28 AND 'user'. 'IS NULL
func DeleteByUser(user *User) {
db := config.GetDb()
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Structure did not add gorm.DeletedAt mark of the field, directly deleted, added will update the deleted field, that is, to achieve soft deletion
- According to the
To delete
// DeleteById UPDATE 'user' SET 'deleted' ='2021-09-26 14:29:55.15' WHERE 'user'. 'id' = 28 AND 'user'. 'IS NULL
func DeleteById(id int64) {
db := config.GetDb()
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The transaction
Gorm also has rich transaction support.
Anonymous transaction
The db.Transaction anonymous method can be used to indicate that multiple operations are in a Transaction, returning ERR will be rolled back, and returning nil will commit the Transaction
func Transaction(a) error {
db := config.GetDb()
err := db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
// Perform some DB operations in a transaction (from here you should use 'tx' instead of 'db')
if err := tx.Create(&User{Username: "lomtom"}).Error; err ! =nil {
// Returning any errors will roll back the transaction
return err
if err := tx.Delete(&User{}, 28).Error; err ! =nil {
return err
// Return nil commit transaction
return nil
iferr ! =nil {
return err
return nil
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Manual transaction
Db.begin () indicates the start of a transaction, error using tx.rollback (), transaction commit using ()
func Transaction1(a) error {
db := config.GetDb()
tx := db.Begin()
defer func(a) {
if r := recover(a); r ! =nil {
// Perform some DB operations in a transaction (from here you should use 'tx' instead of 'db')
if err := tx.Create(&User{Username: "lomtom"}).Error; err ! =nil {
// Rollback the transaction
return err
if err := tx.Delete(&User{}, 28).Error; err ! =nil {
return err
// Commit the transaction
return tx.Commit().Error
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