Glory has taken a new tack.

On August 14, Honor opened a “THE NINE liquid cooling technology tour” with its newly launched Honor Note10 at daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant base in Shenzhen. I believe that many fans of honor Note10 THE NINE liquid cooling technology is no stranger to this “ninth layer” cooling technology, with honor president Zhao Ming’s words to explain is that this is THE most advanced cooling technology in THE industry.

Since the beginning of this year, we have seen a lot of technological innovation in domestic mobile phones, including photography and AI. But this time is not quite the same, the glory of the choice and Daya Bay nuclear power plant such “technology IP” to a fierce collision, the reason is that daya Bay nuclear power plant and the glory Note10, have this industry’s top heat dissipation technology.

But in both cases, nuclear power plants are macro, while mobile phones are micro. Therefore, for Honor, it is difficult to apply a macro level of technology to the “square inch” of a mobile phone.

But then again, glory to join the mobile phone liquid cooling technology of the original intention is not unfounded, and users and manufacturers know.

Heat dissipation is a big problem for smart phones

A person can not ignore the potential status quo is that smart phone development to today, heat dissipation is still a big problem. In the past few years, the “hot door” and “burning door” of various smartphones in the smartphone market have not only made consumers miserable, but also made manufacturers helpless.

But can’t the heat dissipation problem of mobile phones really be solved? Not really.

There are two cases that can be discussed here. One is to solve but not solve well, for example, some manufacturers have adopted auxiliary cooling hardware and software to optimize the mobile phone, but the effect is not good. The reason is actually only one point, that is the technical scheme of heat dissipation is not good. For example, some mobile phone brands that focus on light use scenarios, such as camera phones, tend to pay more attention to the beauty of the phone, camera technology, rather than heat dissipation and other irrelevant features.

But the wind is actually changing in the smartphone market these days. The first is an increase in the percentage of time spent on mobile phones in heavy use scenarios, which are primarily games. Second, mobile phones tend to be omnipotent. In order to attract more users, mobile phones must become more durable, which requires smart phones to learn “72 changes”.

Such changes have prompted phone manufacturers to refocus on the cooling power of their phones. But the fact has not changed much, in the multifarious mobile phone cooling scheme, many mobile phone manufacturers seem to still in the same place. On the one hand, because of r&d or cost bottlenecks, they didn’t find a good enough cooling solution; On the other hand, the launch cycle of new smart phones is shortened. When the new strategy is more important than the technical strategy, the iteration of heat dissipation of mobile phones is naturally not good enough.

But consumer demand has been escalating. Not only have games become the most heavily used scenario for smartphones, but consumers are also becoming more sensitive to the cooling features of smartphones. As a result, even today, some phones that look perfect but have poor heat dissipation performance are still not popular with consumers. So, it’s no exaggeration to say that heat dissipation is a big problem for smart phones, because that’s how reality plays out.

But THE glory Note10 THE NINE liquid cooling technology obviously makes this problem has a good solution, this breakthrough technology and daya bay nuclear power plant cooling technology, how to solve THE heat dissipation problem of smart phones? What kind of sparks between THE NINE and Daya Bay?

Industrial versus consumer, advanced technology sparks?

Nuclear power plants rely on nuclear energy to generate electricity, naturally to produce a lot of heat, but at the same time, it is necessary to control the heat reasonably. As Zhao said, a good cooling system is indispensable for efficient power generation in nuclear power plants. THE honor is taking THE Honor Note10 to carry out technical exchanges, and THE core technology of THE Honor Note10 is THE NINE liquid cooling technology.

One is the industrial cooling technology of nuclear power, one is the consumer cooling technology of mobile phone, where are the common ground of the two?

The first is that the two technologies are developed from the same philosophy. Zhao Ming revealed that in order to better solve the problem of heat dissipation of mobile phones, glory also specifically named the code name of the technical team as “Daya Bay”, to pay tribute to the table. And the original intention of the trip to Daya Bay is also derived from the common concept they adhere to — “focusing on safety and efficiency, product quality and reputation”.

Thus, glory in the development of cooling technology has been the nuclear power generation of industrial cooling technology as the “highest spirit”. It should not be ignored that technological research and development, especially new technological breakthroughs, do need the right spirit as a guiding light.

The second common point is that both are the most advanced heat dissipation technologies in their respective industries. I believe this common point is also the reason why Rongyao wants to conduct technical exchanges with Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station. THE honor team spent six months developing THE NINE liquid-cooled cooling technology and scrapped more than 10,000 heat pipes. Finally, a PC-class D5 (5mm diameter) liquid-cooled tube, the same diameter as the MacBook Air, was used in a 7.65mm thick body. Moreover, there is no mobile phone in the industry that can achieve the design of liquid cooling tube 5mm.

So, from the point of view of technology iteration, honor Note10 this technology is indeed leading, from the status of technology, this and Daya Bay nuclear power cooling technology at the same level, both are the leading cooling technology in the industry.

The third common point is that they are both core technologies and focus on efficiency. It is reported that THE honor Note10’s “THE NINE” can reduce THE CPU in extreme scenarios by up to 10°C and increase THE heat dissipation capacity by 40%. From the perspective of heavy scenarios such as games, such heat dissipation efficiency can not only reduce the power consumption of mobile phones and prolong the service life of mobile hardware, but also ensure that users will not be interfered by external factors such as excessive heat when they are fully engaged in games.

As can be seen from the above three points, Honor chose Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant for in-depth exchange this time, which can be regarded as a “advanced technology” matchmaking bridge. Therefore, it is not surprising that THE two plants could have sparks, because from a technical point of view, THE Daya Bay nuclear power plant and THE NINE liquid-cooling technology share a common DNA.

Occupy the commanding heights of technology, Honor is becoming the “black technology mentor”

Although THE NINE liquid cooling technology and CPU Turbo are currently only used in honor Note10, it is foreseeable that, like THE GPU Turbo, these industry-leading technologies will become standard parts of honor’s entire phone line in THE future. Obviously, THE NINE liquid cooling is not a technological breakthrough in THE pure sense of Honor Note10, but a technological breakthrough in THE whole Honor brand.

For THE NINE liquid cooling technology, as consumers, we must also give some affirmation. On THE one hand, such a technological breakthrough solves some current pain points in THE use of mobile phones to a certain extent. On the other hand, from the perspective of consumption upgrading, such technology is exactly what demand upgrading wants.

However, if viewed from THE industry level, THE NINE liquid cooling technology can be said to be a surprise, but also a spur. On THE one hand, THE emergence of THE NINE liquid cooling cooling technology has broken THE temporary technical ceiling of THE industry, which can be said to raise THE overall performance ceiling of smart phones. On THE other hand, THE emergence of THE NINE liquid cooling cooling technology will inevitably make other manufacturers nervous to a certain extent. When everyone stands at a higher starting line to compete, this will undoubtedly promote THE development of THE industry.

If glory’s breakthrough obsession is a mountain climbing sport, then THE NINE liquid-cooled cooling technology is a new mountain for Glory to climb. The thrill of glory, of course, is not in reaching a higher altitude, but in the prospect of going higher.

In THE mobile phone cooling competition, THE NINE liquid cooling technology is THE new technological commanding point occupied by Honor. From the glory of the brand positioning changes, the emergence of the commanding heights, also once again to the glory of this energetic brand brought a new aura.

THE continuous landing of a series of breakthrough technologies, such as GPU Turbo, CPU Turbo and THE NINE liquid-cooled cooling technology, has sent a very obvious signal to THE outside world: Glory will not stop. To outsiders and to the glory, 2018 has been the year of the awesome tech.

There are more than four months left in 2018. THE NINE liquid cooling technology to honor THE identity of new breakthrough technology is also close at hand, but from THE honor since this year’s series of actions can be seen, this year’s “very scary” technology year, for honor, honor fans, mobile phone industry are destined to be not ordinary.

Will Honor bring new “scary” technology this year? The answer is yes. And it is to be expected that new breakthroughs may still follow industrial-grade technology such as the cooling technology at Daya Bay. At the recent honor Note10 launch, honor introduced the concept of “Moooor,” indicating its determination to create more black tech. Moreover for honor, the technological innovation and breakthrough on mobile phone is actually endless, in such a big testing field, like honor such “technology control” will be bound to heart.

It is foreseeable that after Glory has occupied THE technical commanding heights of THE industry with THE NINE technology, CPU Turbo and GPU Turbo, it will continue to climb to bring new and exciting things to itself and become THE “black tech mentor” of THE mobile industry.