Github’s best repository for Web developers
It’s good to have a list of learning resources around you 📚
As developers, we need to focus on features and best practices, not repetitive boilerplate code. Eliminating unnecessary effort, investing our time in learning the right tools, and getting some exciting resources can be enormously helpful.
In this article, we’ll introduce several GitHub repositories that can help you improve your Web development skills and write better code.
Node.js best practices
This is an exciting project to keep you up to date with Node technologies and learn best practices. It currently has 40K stars and 133 contributors, and the repository is updated almost daily.
This repository organizes and manages the top-level content of Node.js best practices, while integrating other tools such as Docker, Kubernetes, etc. It currently has over 80 best practices, style guides, and small tips.
Some best practices include:
- Organize your projects better
- Error handling practices
- Code Style practices
- Testing and overall quality practices
- Production environment practice
The warehouse address is here
HTML template
HTML5 templates are a professional front-end template that enables rapid development of robust, adaptive Web applications and websites.
The project is the product of years of iterative development and community wisdom, with no particular development philosophy or framework imposed, so you’re free to build code the way you want.
It includes predefined features such as:
- Normalize.css
- JQuery and CDN
- Apache Server Configuration
- Useful CSS helper classes
- Default print styles, performance optimizations, etc
Depending on how and how you want to use it, you may need to copy and paste the contents of this folder into your project directory to provide you with a pre-configured launcher template to speed up development time.
The warehouse address is here
The core concepts and ideas for mastering the new framework are
From reading the documentation 📃, running a well-designed example in a code page, breaking down the sample applications and reassembling them into a CLI that installs them locally, it’s too much work if you don’t get the concept right! It’s also frustrating.
RealWorld allows you to use any front-end framework (React, Angular 2, or others) and back-end technologies (Node, Django, or others), integrate them together, and see real-world examples of applications.
Since these implementations are responsible for the entire stack, they obviously can’t mix and match, but they still adhere to the same functionality and UX specifications.
Some popular integration solutions:
- Angular + ngrx + nx
- ClojureScript + re-frame
- React / MobX
- Go + Gin
- NestJS + TypeORM/Prisma
You can find more in the original warehouse, and you can play with it as much as you like
Not just for the Web, but even cooler, they can also be used on mobile devices in NativeScript form.
React Native, Jasonette, Swift, C# on Xamarin, Kotlin/Android, Onymos, Quasar framework, Swift Perfect, and Flutter are still in development.
The warehouse address is here
You still don’t know JS
This is a series of books that delve into the core mechanics of the JavaScript language.
All the books are completely open source and free, and you can read them online.
The author recommends reading the book in this order:
Scope and closure
Objects and Classes (writing in progress)
Type and Grammar (writing in progress)
Sync& Async (Writing in Progress)
ES.Next & Beyond (Writing in Progress)
The warehouse address is here
AirbnbThe JavaScript guide
This is a rigorous and professional guide written by Airbnb.
This guide will help you understand JavaScript from the inside out by digging into the fundamentals of JavaScript and snippets of code.
Hot topics covered in this guide include the following:
- Arrow function
- ascension
- Casting and casting
- ECMAScript 6+ (ES 2015+)
- test
- performance
The warehouse address is here
Storybook 📖 is a development environment for UI components. It allows you to browse component libraries, observe different states of individual components, develop and test components interactively.
Storybook runs outside of your application. This allows you to develop UI components independently, which increases component reuse, testability, and speed of development. You can build quickly without worrying about application-specific dependencies.
It comes with a CLI and code samples to familiarize you with Storybook.
The warehouse address is here
Front end checklist
A front-end checklist is an exhaustive list of all the elements that you need or need to test before your website or HTML page goes into production.
It is a library based on front-end Web development with a greater focus on performance, security, SEO, and more. All of the items in the front-end checklist are required for most projects, but some elements can be omitted or not required.
They include:
📖: comments 🛠: online tools/testing tools 📹: media or video content
The warehouse address is here
Inspiration and Resources
This article was inspired by Tech Sapien and his amazing work, as were the images cited in the article.
Thank you for watching at the end 👨🏫. All of the warehouses mentioned above are just part of what I’m sure there are plenty of other amazing projects out there. These are things THAT I find very helpful and often indulge in. 👨 🏻 💻
Don’t forget to thank the warehouses and all the amazing contributors who have worked hard to create this valuable resource for all of us at 🌟. thank you ✌ 🏼
The original link
Best GitHub Repos for Web Developers