Translation from Medium:
Top 10 React Libraries on GitHub The original address)
npm install material-uiCopy the code
Ant-design is a React based component library developed by alibaba Ant Financial team. Using it, you can create a vivid and beautiful React application, and the development experience is very pleasant, and the developed application user experience is excellent.
npm install antdCopy the code
Using frameworks like Meteor and Firebase, back-end development is getting easier and easier. React Storybook is a library that provides a similar convenience to the front end.
npm install -g @storybook/cli
cd my-react-appgetstorybookCopy the code
npm run storybookCopy the code
Gatsby is a library for quickly building static websites based on React JS. With Gatsby, you can turn plain text into beautiful websites without spending too much time coding.
npm install gatsbyCopy the code
npm install --global gatsby-cliCopy the code
github 和
websiteFor more information
Enzyme is a lightweight test library developed by Airbnb based on React. It can be used as a JavaScript test tool for React. This also makes the task of asserting, manipulating, and traversing the React component’s output very easy.
For details, please refer to:
The sample
Find out more on Github and its website
7762 u
Version 1.34.0
npm install blueprintCopy the code
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websiteFor more information
. This will make creating large UI presentations very enjoyable.
npm install spectacleCopy the code
$ git clone [email protected]:FormidableLabs/spectacle-boilerplate.git my-spectacle-demo$
cd my-spectacle-demo$
rm -fr .gitCopy the code
github 和
websiteFor more information, or view
npm install elementalCopy the code
npm install -g grommetCopy the code
Mozaik is a great library based on Nodejs/React/d3 / stylus for creating lively Dashboards for Web applications.
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websiteFor more information
- Excellent user interface design
- Build an engaging user interaction experience
- Test the JS and React code
- Generating static Web pages