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For developers

Search items: multi-dimensional accurate search

Awesome seems to have become one of the favorite names on GitHub projects. For example, to find great Windows software, try searching Awesome Windows

Setting search Criteria

If you are specifically looking for a specific type of project, such as a project developed in a certain language with a standard number of Stars, simply enter the search criteria in the search box. For discovering items, I use the following search criteria flexibly: Stars:, language:, forks:, and set the search criteria for the project collection, development language, and derivation, for example, stars:>=500 language:javascript, The result is a collection of 500 oR more javascript projects, topped by the open source library and course projects freeCodeCamp and the popular Vue and React projects.

Advanced search; Searching on GitHub

Github’s free programming books are a collection of all the free programming books available on github. Github cheat-sheet: A collection of tricks for using Github. Android-open-project: An excellent open source project covering Android development. Chinese-independent-developer: Aggregate projects of all Chinese independent developers. Searching on GitHub GitHub offers advanced search features for Windows/Awesome items, The GitHub Trend page summarizes popular Repositories and Developers for daily/weekly/monthly cycles. You can see what projects and Developers are currently in a hot state for a given cycle. GitHub Topics showcase the latest and most popular topics for discussion

Making code search… Can you really use Github? making skills… GitHub plug-ins: Octotree, OctoLinker, Sourcegraph… Common search method daquan A. Find the “cat” store where stars >100: cat stars:>100 B Search all repositories with user name fengbingchun: user:fengbingchun C. Search address in “San Francisco, CA” username contains all of Tom’s warehouses: Tom Location :”San Francisco, CA” D. Search for all repositories that do NOT contain “cat” :

A. Find the “cat” store where stars >100: cat stars:>100

B. Search all warehouses with user name fengbingchun: user:fengbingchun

C. Search for all warehouses named “node.js” and fork the number less than 200: node.js forks:<200

D. Search for “jquery” with library size between 1024 and 4089KB: jquery size:1024.. 4089

E. Search for all repositories with user name fengbingchun and development language C++ : language: C++ user:fengbingchun

F. Search for all repositories with user name fengbingchun and stars number greater than or equal to 10: user:fengbingchun followers:>=10

G. Search for all repositories whose development language is C++ and whose stars number is greater than 10000: language: C++ stars:>10000

H. Search for all warehouses with user name fengbingchun and warehouse updated after January 1, 2019: user:fengbingchun Pushed :>2019-01-01