Today xiaobian recommend a code completion tool, can be called the code artifact, he called TabNine.

With 23 programming languages and five editors, TabNine is surprisingly easy to use. TabNine is the best code completion tool they’ve ever used. It’s a killer app for programmers.

In VS Code’s extension store, TabNine has been downloaded 13,000 times and has received five stars.

Deep TabNine supports Java:

Deep TabNine supports Python:

Deep TabNine supports C++ :

Deep TabNine supports Haskell:

Deep TabNine also supports Java, C, PHP, Go, C#, Ruby, Objective-C, Rust, Swift, Type, OCaml, Scala, Kotlin, Perl, SQL, HTML, CSS, and Bash. Almost all major programming languages are included.

Support for 5 editors

TabNine supports five Code editors: VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, Emacs and Vim.

For using VS Code and Sublime, it is very easy to install TabNine using the built-in extension pack management tool.

When TabNine came out, it received rave reviews and even had programmers swear:

Oh, my God, I wish WE had more of this software. (Fuck yeah. This is the sort of software I want to see more often: TabNine)

Some netizens said that they don’t know how to write code without it.

Others called it the first “killer app” for developers:

According to the authors, TabNine is still in the process of updating and improving these bugs.