The first step

Using IP Lookup tool on this two lot the IP address of the domain name, the site might need a ladder, after enter the domain name, For and respectively corresponding to the IP, such as 192.30. Xx, xx, 151.101 xx and xx. After the preparations are complete, add the following format to the hosts file and change the IP address to the one you query:

192.30 xx. Xx 151.101. Xx. Xx the code

Step 2 Refresh DNS

  • mac
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
sudo killall mDNSResponderHelper
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache
Copy the code
  • windows
ipconfig /flushdns
Copy the code


  • Github slow solution
  • GitHub Secrets (Chinese version)
  • – Fixed GitHub download speed issues
  • Mac OS X clears DNS cache
  • A way to flush DNS cache on Linux/Windows/Mac