This is the 20th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge, for more details: August more Text Challenge!
First set up the secret key. Open the Settings
Click New Key
Title is optional. Key is the complete key
- Open the /users/.ssh folder on drive C
- If only the “known_hosts” file exists, delete it
- Open the git
- Run the following command: git init (check whether the address is correct) ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “github email address “, and press enter SSH -t
If “Hi… ! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
In this case, two files id_rsa and ID_rsa.pdf appear in the folder
Open id_rsa.pdf, assign all the contents and paste into the key content module in Figure 3 (if you have a secret key, just do the following)
The new warehouse
The project executes the command shown above
- git init
- git add .
- git commit -m ”
- git remote add origin
- git push -u origin master
Submitted successfully
Git git
Git init Creates a new Git code base in the current directory
Git init name Create a directory and initialize it as a Git code base
Git Clone url download project
Git config –list displays the current Git configuration
Git config -e [–global] Edit git configuration files
git config [–global] “[name]”
git config [–global] “[email address]”
Sets the user information when submitting code
Git add. Add all files from the current directory to the staging area
git commit -m “…” Submit temporary storage area to warehouse area
Git branch lists all local branches
Git branch -r lists all remote branches
Git branch -a lists all local and remote branches
Git branch [branch-name] Creates a branch but remains in the current branch
Git checkout -b [branch] Create a branch and switch to it
Git checkout [branch-name] switches to the specified branch and updates the workspace
Git checkout – Switch to a previous branch
Git merge [branch] Merges a specified branch into the current branch
Git branch -d [branch-name] Deletes a branch
Git branch-dr [remote/branch] Deletes a remote branch
Git log displays the version history of the current branch
Git pull [remote] [branch] pulls changes from remote repositories and merges them with local branches
Git push [remote] [branch] upload a locally specified branch to a remote repository
Git reset [file] resets the specified file in the staging area, the same as the last commit, but with the same workspace
Git reset –hard resets the staging area and workspace as the last commit
Git reset [commit] resets the pointer of the current branch to the specified COMMIT and resets the staging area, but the workspace remains the same