This is the 20th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge, for more details: August more Text Challenge!

First set up the secret key. Open the Settings

Click New Key

Title is optional. Key is the complete key

  • Open the /users/.ssh folder on drive C
  • If only the “known_hosts” file exists, delete it
  • Open the git
  • Run the following command: git init (check whether the address is correct) ssh-keygen -t rsa -c “github email address “, and press enter SSH -t

If “Hi… ! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

In this case, two files id_rsa and ID_rsa.pdf appear in the folder

Open id_rsa.pdf, assign all the contents and paste into the key content module in Figure 3 (if you have a secret key, just do the following)

The new warehouse

The project executes the command shown above

  • git init
  • git add .
  • git commit -m ”
  • git remote add origin
  • git push -u origin master

Submitted successfully


Git git

  • Git init Creates a new Git code base in the current directory

  • Git init name Create a directory and initialize it as a Git code base

  • Git Clone url download project

  • Git config –list displays the current Git configuration

  • Git config -e [–global] Edit git configuration files

  • git config [–global] “[name]”

    git config [–global] “[email address]”

    Sets the user information when submitting code

  • Git add. Add all files from the current directory to the staging area

  • git commit -m “…” Submit temporary storage area to warehouse area

  • Git branch lists all local branches

  • Git branch -r lists all remote branches

  • Git branch -a lists all local and remote branches

  • Git branch [branch-name] Creates a branch but remains in the current branch

  • Git checkout -b [branch] Create a branch and switch to it

  • Git checkout [branch-name] switches to the specified branch and updates the workspace

  • Git checkout – Switch to a previous branch

  • Git merge [branch] Merges a specified branch into the current branch

  • Git branch -d [branch-name] Deletes a branch

  • Git branch-dr [remote/branch] Deletes a remote branch

  • Git log displays the version history of the current branch

  • Git pull [remote] [branch] pulls changes from remote repositories and merges them with local branches

  • Git push [remote] [branch] upload a locally specified branch to a remote repository

  • Git reset [file] resets the specified file in the staging area, the same as the last commit, but with the same workspace

  • Git reset –hard resets the staging area and workspace as the last commit

  • Git reset [commit] resets the pointer of the current branch to the specified COMMIT and resets the staging area, but the workspace remains the same