Download the Git client from
Create a Git account
1 git config –global “shulonghu”
git config –global
Set the SSH Key for the Github account
SSH, ls if there are three files, the key has been generated. Id_rsa. pub is the public key
If not, run the $ssh-keygen -t rsa -c command to generate one.
1) If yes, press Enter to save the default path
2) Directly enter key, here we do not use the password for login, using the password is too troublesome;
3) Direct Enter key
Git commit repository command sequence
Git creates repositories as follows
Git init // Make this directory a repository that Git can manage
Git add. // Add the file to the repository
Git commit -m “git commit
Git remote add origin DragonTigerShu/file name / / associated remote warehouse
Git push -u origin master git push -u origin master
Log in to your Github account
1 Click New Repository to create a new repository. Add Rrpository name Add Description
Click Create Repository to display the repository home page
It is important to get the remote repository address after 2
3 Then open Gitbash
Switch to the HelloWorld project directory and clone the remote version library locally
Sometimes the transmission times out. Just a few more tries.
4 After that, ls -al view the project directory and delete the name of the file created in the project directory
Git push Origin mster git push Origin mster
* Note that an error occurs if the file cannot be submitted
The solution
Procedure 1 Run the command in the current directory
git push -u origin master
2 If there is still no solution, there must be a readme. md file in the directory and then through the form of merge
Git pull –rebase origin master
3 Run git push -u origin master again to upload to Github
4 Just check your account number.