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Mobile brain -SpringMVc RestFul background service (I) – environment construction

Mobile brain -SpringMVc build RestFul background service (2) – configure mysql database

Mobile brain -SpringMVc RestFul background service (III) -RestFul interface writing (simulating user registration and login)

Mobile brain -SpringMVc build RestFul backend service (4) – Add Token filter

Mobile brain -SpringMVc build RestFul background service (V) – Alipay payment

Mobile Brain -SpringMVc build RestFul background service (VI) – wechat Pay (Android)

Mobile brain -SpringMVc build RestFul background service (seven) – incremental update



The service side

When using alipay or wechat payment functions, you need to replace the relevant information such as APPID with your own in PayService. Java. Create a wxAPI folder in gradle and use your own keystore to pack the package.

Change the mysql database to your own database and mysql login username and password in the beans.xml file

The client

Change the URL in HttpMethod to the URL of your server and the download address.

Create By: ywl5320