Recently, many developers have been unable to pull code from GitHub via Gitee’s synchronization function when performing private repository synchronization. The reason for this problem is that GitHub will be unable to pull code from GitHub using Git after August 14, 2021. Account passwords are no longer accepted for authentication.

That said, if you’re still authenticating Git operations with a username and password, this can happen. The solution to this problem is as simple as configuring GitHub’s Personal Access Token.

Note: Synchronization of open source repositories is not affected.

How to Generate tokens

1. Click your profile picture in the upper right corner of the GitHub page and select Settings.

2. In the sidebar, select Developer Settings.

3. Then select “Personal Access Tokens” – “Generate New Tokens”

4. Set the name, expiration time and permissions for your Token (check them all if it is a private project);

5. Click “Generate Token” to Generate your personal token.

The Token is for one-time display. Ensure that the Token is properly stored.

Perform normal synchronization

When synchronizing a private repository, enter the Token generated by your GitHub account in the password field for successful synchronization.