Slow access to GitHub and access timeout have always been a problem that bothers me. I have also bought Vpn for various ways of ping IP and setting Host online, but there are always problems, which cannot be solved once and for all.

Recently using GitHub520 + SwitchHosts 2 open source projects to easily solve the problem of GitHub access, one minute configuration, excellent solution really is the use of the process of basic no sense, peace of mind to use good, completely do not care about IP, manual configuration of Host problems.

Project Introduction:

  • GitHub520: Attempts to solve the problem of slow access and image loading failure
  • SwitchHosts: SwitchHosts is an application for managing hosts files


  1. Download SwitchHosts
  2. Set the remote address: Enter the remote address provided by GitHub520
  3. Non-inductive use


At the end

I’m JSer on a scooter. Welcome to follow me.

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