Author: HelloGitHub- Dried fish

Abstract: While there were few new items on GitHub Trending last week, they were notable for their performance, such as: Surpriver, a project that detects abnormal stocks through machine learning, and Fes.js, Tencent’s open source management platform application solution, enable r&d personnel to focus on business by virtue of features such as high appearance level and background development of improving efficiency. Speaking of appearance level, DearPyGui is a Python GUI written in C++ language. Of course, it is more interesting than that. In the way of programmers — terminal presentation PPT, have you seen it, present is one of the best, supporting a variety of color matching and dynamic display. If you want to become a POWERPOINT programmer, try this project

The following is an excerpt from GitHub Trending and Hacker News hot post (HN Hot post for short) on weibo @helloGithub. Newly released | | practical and interesting, according to the project classification, the release time release time not more than 7 day program will be marked New, without the mark shows the project release more than one week. Due to the limited space in this paper, there are some projects not shown in this paper, please refer to 🌝

  • This article directory
      1. This week, pushing
      • 1.1 Easy learning Vim: Learn-vim
      • 1.2 Incredible PyTorch List: the-incredible PyTorch
      1. Making Trending Zhou Bang
      • 2.1 Data Visualization Graphics library: Matplotplus
      • 2.2 Tencent open source management tool: fes.js
      • 2.3 Abnormal stock no hiding: Surpriver
      • 2.4 High Appearance Level Python GUI: DearPyGui
      • 2.5 How programmers make PPT: present
      • 2.6 Python operator changed to Latex: handcalcs
      • 2.7 Visual debugging tool: VScode-debug-Visualizer
      1. Emoji Time
      1. Recommended reading

1. Tweet this week

1.1 Easy learning Vim: Learn-vim

Star growth this week: 1500+

How to master the powerful text editor Vim? Learning-vim is a smart way to Learn Vim.

Making address –…

1.2 Incredible PyTorch List: the-incredible PyTorch

Star growth this week: 800+

The -Incredible PyTorch contains tutorials, libraries, projects, videos, books, and more. You can learn about Visualization, quantum machine learning, object recognition, neural networks, and more in 50+ directions.

Making address –…

2. GitHub Trending Weekly

2.1 Data Visualization Graphics library: Matplotplus

Star growth this week: 1100+

New Matplot++ is a data visualization graphics library that provides interactive graphics, a way to export graphics in high-quality formats for scientific publications, a consistent compact syntax, dozens of graphics categories and proprietary algorithms, a variety of coding styles, and support for common backends.

Making address –…

2.2 Tencent open source management tool: fes.js

Star growth this week: 250+

New Management console application solution — Fes. Js is an open source management console application solution of Tencent WeBank.

It provides initial project, development and debugging, compilation packaged command line tools, built-in layout, permissions, data dictionary, state management, API and other modules, file directory structure is routing, users only need to write page content.

The project itself is based on vue.js, with built-in management console common ability to improve the efficiency of development in the background, so that the development only focus on business logic.

Making address –…

2.3 Abnormal stock no hiding: Surpriver

Star growth this week: 400+

New When stocks are exposed to machine learning, outliers are nowhere to be seen. Surpriver uses anomaly detection and machine learning to find high-moving stocks before they move. It uses machine learning to look at volume + price movements and extrapolate out unusual patterns that could cause stocks to make big moves.

Making address –…

2.4 High Appearance Level Python GUI: DearPyGui

Star growth this week: 1200+

New DearPyGui is an easy-to-use but powerful Python GUI framework that provides DearImGui encapsulation, which retains a mixture of traditional mode GUI and ImGui real-time mode paradigm.

Making address –…

2.5 How programmers make PPT: present

Star growth this week: 2500+

New Present is an on-terminal powerpoint /Slides tool that supports color matching and motion effects. You can also play code (pre-recorded code blocks) on Slides.

Making address –…

2.6 Python operator changed to Latex: handcalcs

Star growth this week: 1450+

New Handcalcs is a Python library that converts Python operators into rendered Latex. As a library that renders Python computation code automatically in Latex, but in a manner similar to how calculations are formatted when written in pencil: symbolic formulas are written first, followed by numerical substitutions, and then the result.

Making address –…

2.7 Visual debugging tool: VScode-debug-Visualizer

Star growth this week: 1200+

Vscode-debug-visualizer is a tool for visualizing debug. It can quickly display data structures in a graphical manner.

Making address –…

3. TTime

If walking is exercise, how many hours do you spend exercising per week? # 2 hours party drift by

4. Recommended reading

  • GitHub Hotspots Vol.35: Let’s Go, Rust
  • GitHub Hot Topics Vol.34: Amazon, Microsoft open Source projects take you to learn hardcore technology

This is GitHub Trending for the 36th working week of 2020 🎉 If you Pick up other fun and useful GitHub projects, be sure to share them with us in the HelloGitHub Issue section 🌝