Author: HelloGitHub- Dried fish

Abstract: It’s only on the shoulders of giants that you can look further, as illustrated this week by computervision-recipes, an open-source computervision best practices project from Microsoft that has been featured many times on GitHub Trending, It’s not a zero-based project per se it pulls programs from the most advanced libraries available, it’s a computer vision aggregator, whereas Amazon is more direct, A large number of natural language processing resources are included in AWS – Machine – Learning – University – Accelerated – NLP under the name of MLU – Machine Learning University. Since our predecessors planted trees, we, the “younger generation”, should not live up to this cool and warm sense.

The following is an excerpt from GitHub Trending and Hacker News hot post (HN Hot post for short) on weibo @helloGithub. Newly released | | practical and interesting, according to the project classification, the release time release time not more than 7 day program will be marked New, without the mark shows the project release more than one week. Due to the limited space in this paper, there are some projects not shown in this paper, please refer to 🌝

  • This article directory
      1. This week, pushing
      • 1.1 computervision best practices: computervision-recipes
      • 1.2 The coolest learning project in the Eastern Hemisphere: Hello-algorithm
      1. Making Trending Zhou Bang
      • 2.1 Front-end code automatic migration: TS-Migrate
      • 2.2 Everything can be RSS: RSSHub
      • 2.3 “Human” tool: Sherlock
      • 2.4 Crawler: InfoSpider
      • 2.5 Calendar widget: FullCalendar
      • 2.6 Machine Learning University: AWS – Machine – Learning – University – Accelerated – NLP
      • 2.7 Video downloader: Annie
      1. Emoji Time
      1. Recommended reading

1. Tweet this week

1.1 computervision best practices: computervision-recipes

Star growth this week: 1540+

Computervision-recipes is Microsoft’s open source computervision best practice that builds a comprehensive set of computervision tools and code examples using the most advanced computervision algorithms, neural systems, and if you want to learn about computervision, Learn about image loading, optimization and evaluation models, and the cloud on the shoulders of this giant.

Making address –…

1.2 The coolest learning project in the Eastern Hemisphere: Hello-algorithm

Star growth this week: 3900+

HelloGitHub is one of the coolest learning programs in the Eastern Hemisphere.

  • Project author Xiao Hao wrote three hundred thousand words graphic algorithm code
  • 100 mind maps for each language and 1000 programming electronics
  • 100 chapters on the Surface of dachang

Can be regarded as a more comprehensive computer data integration project.

Making address –…

2. GitHub Trending Weekly

2.1 Front-end code automatic migration: TS-Migrate

Star growth this week: 1800+

New TS-Migrate is a tool for quickly converting JavaScript code to TypeScript code. It accepts a JavaScript or partial TypeScript project and presents a compiled TypeScript project.

Making address –…

2.2 Everything can be RSS: RSSHub

Star growth this week: 700+

RSS is a favorite form of content, and RSSHub is a Chinese open source RSS generator that can generate RSS feeds for any weird content.

Making address –…

2.3 “Human” tool: Sherlock

Star growth this week: 800+

Sherlock is a cross-platform search tool for social platform accounts by username on the social network. Once you’ve installed Sherlock, you can use it directly from your browser.

Making address –…

2.4 Crawler: InfoSpider

Star growth this week: 600+

New InfoSpider is a crawler toolkit with many data sources, designed to help users retrieve their data safely and quickly. The tool code is open source, and the process is transparent. Supported data sources include GitHub, QQ Mailbox, netease Mailbox, Ali Mailbox, Sina Mailbox, Hotmail mailbox, Outlook mailbox, JINGdong, Taobao, Alipay, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, Zhihu, Bilibili, netease Cloud Music, QQ Friends, QQ Group, generate circle of friends photo album, browser browsing history, 12306, blog Park, CSDN blog, open source China blog, Jane Book.

Making address –…

2.5 Calendar widget: FullCalendar

Star growth this week: 750+

Fullcalendar is a calendar tool used to manage schedules and work plans. It provides rich attribute Settings and method calls. Developers can quickly complete the development of a calendar according to the API provided.

Making address –…

2.6 Machine Learning University: AWS – Machine – Learning – University – Accelerated – NLP

Star growth this week: 750+

New AWS – Machine – Learning – University – Accelerated – NLP features slides, notebooks and data sets from machine Learning University (MLU) accelerated natural Language processing courses. This course is designed to help you get started with natural language processing (NLP), learn about widely used techniques and apply them to practical problems.

Making address –…

2.7 Video downloader: Annie

Star growth this week: 400+

Annie is a quick, simple and clean downloader written with Go. It can download videos, pictures, playlists and so on. It supports MacOS, Windows, Linux and other operating systems, and downloads douyin, B station, Youku, YouTube and other videos without pressure.

Making address –…

3. TTime

Talk Time (^o^)/ What is the first project that comes to your mind 🌚 React?

4. Recommended reading

  • GitHub hot Spot Vol.33: I heard that programmers are yan Control?
  • GitHub hot quick view Vol.32: VScode chive fund plug-in, greatly improve the “work” efficiency
  • GitHub Hotspots Vol.31: On? How about a GitHub run?

This is GitHub Trending for the 34th working week of 2020 🎉 If you Pick up other fun and useful GitHub projects, be sure to share them with us in the HelloGitHub Issue section 🌝

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