Check out my blog for more details: sandop.github. IO /
1. Basic configuration
There are two main configuration files in Hexo, both named _config.yml. One, located at the root of the site, contains the configuration of Hexo itself; The other is in the topic directory, and this configuration is provided by the topic author to configure topic-related options.
For ease of description, the former is referred to as a site profile and the latter as a topic profile in the following notes.
1. Basic site Settings
In the site configuration file, _config.yml, in the root directory of the blog
# Site
title: Sando blog
subtitle: Code diary
description: The first mail magazine
author: Sando
language: zh-Hans
Copy the code
2. Profile picture Settings
2.1 Setting the Profile Picture
Add avatar in the site configuration file and set the value to the link address of the avatar. The address can be a network address or a local address (placed in the source/images/ directory)
# Sidebar avatar Settings
avatar: /images/user.jpg
Copy the code
2.2 Head rotation animation
Open \themes\next\source\css_common\ Components \sidebar\sidebar-author. Styl and add the following code:
.site-author-image {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: $site-author-image-padding;
max-width: $site-author-image-width;
height: $site-author-image-height;
border: $site-author-image-border-width solid $site-author-image-border-color;
/* Head is round */
border-radius: 80px;
-webkit-border-radius: 80px;
-moz-border-radius: 80px;
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 # 333sf;
/* Set animation: (play) animation name (2s) animation playback time unit in seconds or microseconds (ase-out) animation playback speed curve to end at low speed (1s) wait 1 second and then start animation (1) animation playback times (infinite)]*/
/* Rotate your head 360 degrees over it */
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1.0 s ease-out;
-moz-transition: -moz-transform 1.0 s ease-out;
transition: transform 1.0 s ease-out;
img:hover {
/* 鼠标经过停止头像旋转
/* Rotate your head 360 degrees over it */
-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);
-moz-transform: rotateZ(360deg);
transform: rotateZ(360deg);
/* Z axis rotation animation */@ -webkit-keyframes play {
0% {
-webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg); 100%} {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-360deg); @ -}}moz-keyframes play {
0% {
-moz-transform: rotateZ(0deg); 100%} {-moz-transform: rotateZ(-360deg); }} @keyframes play {
0% {
transform: rotateZ(0deg); 100%} {transform: rotateZ(-360deg); }}Copy the code
3. Theme layout Settings
Set Scheme to Pisces in the topic configuration file (_config.yml in the next topic directory), and you can set it to anything else you like
# Schemes
#scheme: Muse
#scheme: Mist
scheme: Pisces
#scheme: Gemini
Copy the code
4. Menu item Settings
Set to Menu in the theme configuration file, and add movies. Note: Don’t set movies here, that’s where you look for files! The following
home: / || home
about: /about/ || user
tags: /tags/ || tags
categories: /categories/ || th
#archives: /archives
#search: /search
#schedule: /schedule/ || calendar
#sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap
#commonweal: /404
movies: /movies || film
Copy the code
These Settings should be associated with the corresponding YML document in the languages file in your subject directory. For example, if you set language to zh-hans in the configuration file at the root of the site, go to the Languages file in the subject directory and change zh-Hans.yml to display the new Chinese content of the menu item
home: Home page
archives: The archive
categories: classification
tags: The label
about: about
search: search
schedule: calendar
sitemap: Site map
commonweal: The public in 404
movies: The movie
Copy the code
5. Set menu item ICONS
The corresponding field in the topic configuration file is menu_icons. The format is item name: icon name, where item name corresponds to the configured menu name. Icon name is the name of the Font Awesome icon. While enable controls whether ICONS are displayed, you can set it to false to remove ICONS.
enable: true
home: home
about: user
categories: th
tags: tags
archives: archive
commonweal: heartbeat
movies: film
Copy the code
To create a new column, icon, in the Font Awesome icon inventory, for example, movies, look in the icon library and select the film icon. In the theme configuration file, in menu_icons, change movies: film
6. Set the sidebar position
Modify the position value of sidebar in the theme directory in the theme configuration file
# Sidebar Position, available value: left | right (only for Pisces | Gemini).
position: left
#position: right
Copy the code
7. Add a TAB page
You can add the label option to the menu bar of the main page by modifying the menu option in the _config.yml file under the next theme. However, if you click the label, the page not found will be displayed. To create a new page, type hexo New Page tags in Git Bush
Add type: “tags” to the new file
title: tags
date: 2019-02-18 17:16:00
type: "tags"
Copy the code
When you want to tag an article, simply tag the tags of the specific article in the blog/source/_ POST directory
8. Sidebar social section
The modification of the sidebar social link consists of two parts, the first is the link and the second is the link icon. Both configurations are in the topic configuration file
(1) Links are placed under the social field, one link in a row. Its key value format is display text: link address.
# Social links
#, etc.
Copy the code
(2) Set the ICONS of the links. The corresponding field is Social_icons. The matching key is the same as the displayed text of the link configured in the previous step (case matching is strict), and the icon name is the name of the Font Awesome icon (without the fa- prefix). The enable option controls whether ICONS are displayed or not. You can set false to remove ICONS. The seoial_icons node in the back of the value is provided in the name of the icon. After that, other links such as Twitter and Weibo can be added or deleted by themselves.
# Social Icons
enable: true
# Icon Mappings
GitHub: github
Twitter: twitter
Weibo: weibo
Copy the code
9. Display the current browsing progress
Change scrollPercent to true in themes/*/_config.yml,b2t to true to return to the top and browse progress displayed under the left sidebar, change to false to show in the lower right corner, according to personal preferences.
# Sidebar Position - the Sidebar Position (only for Pisces | Gemini two styles effectively)
position: left // Keep to the left
#position: right // Position to the right
# Sidebar Display - the Sidebar shows time (only to Muse | Mist two styles effectively)
#display: post // The default behavior to display when the article page has a list of contents
display: always // display it on all pages
#display: hide // Hide on all pages (can be expanded manually)
#display: remove completely //
offset: 12 // Text spacing (for Pisces only Effective) | Gemini two styles b2t: false // Return to the top button (Pisces only Effective) | Gemini two styles scrollpercent: true // Returns the percentage of the top button
Copy the code
Second, personalized Settings
1, add lovely two yuan kanban niang
English introduction Chinese introduction
1.1. Install the plug-in
npm install --save hexo-helper-live2d
1.2, configuration,
Add the configuration to the _config.yml file in the root directory or to the _config.yml file in the theme.
enable: true
scriptFrom: local
pluginRootPath: live2dw/
pluginJsPath: lib/
pluginModelPath: assets/
tagMode: false
log: false
use: Live2d-widget-model -< your favorite model name >
position: right
width: 150
height: 300
show: true
Copy the code
Model connection configuration details
1.3. Configuration Files
There are many methods for configuration files. Here is the main method I use: For details, please refer to the following:
English introduction Chinese introduction
1.3.1 Create live2d_models in the root directory of the blog;
1.3.2 Create folder < your favorite model name > under live2d_Models;
1.3.3 Create a JSON file under < your favorite model name > : < your favorite model name >.model.json;
1.4. Install the model
From the command line (Git Bash), run the following command:
NPM install –save live2D-widget-model -< your favorite model name > model install
1.5. View the results
Run the following command from the command line (Git Bash) to view the test results at :
hexo clean && hexo g && hexo s
1.6. Change the model
To change the model, change model.use from step 2. Delete the original files in step 3, recreate, install the model, and view the results
Fork me on Github
2.1, clickherePick the style you like and copy the code
2.2. Then paste the copied code into themes/next/layout/_layout.swig<div class="headband"></div>
“) and change the href to your Github address
2.3 If the location is incorrect, modify it in the IMG labelstyle="position:fixed; top:0; right:0"
3. Set the site’s Favicon
Find a in EasyIcon or Iconfont ico icon (32 * 32), and change the name of the icon to the favicon. Ico, then put the icon/themes/next/source/images, and modify the theme configuration file:
4. Add a shadow effect to the homepage article
Open themes\next\source\css_custom\custom.styl and add:
Margin-top: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 60px; padding: 25px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(202, 203, 203, .5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(202, 203, 204, .5); }Copy the code
5, the top of the site loading bar
Change the theme configuration file (_config.yml) to change pace: false to pace: true. You can also change the style of the loading bar, as shown in the following image:
6. Count the number of articles read
1. Sign up for leanCloud and create your own app. 2. Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the picture to enter the application interface; 3. Go ahead and create a table and name it Counter 4. Go to Settings -> App Key to obtain the App ID and App key. 5. Open the themes/*/_config.yml configuration file.
enable: true
app_id: # your app_id
app_key: # your app_key
Copy the code
6. Complete the configuration and recompile. At this point you have successfully set up the read count
7, article encryption access
Open themes->next-> Layout ->_partials->head.swig and insert this code in the following location:
if('{{ page.password }}') {if (prompt('Please enter the article password')! = ='{{ page.password }}'){
alert('Wrong password! '); history.back(); }}}) ();</script>
Copy the code
Then write password: **** on the article as follows:
8. Modify the link URL
Edit the _config.yml file in the site configuration file and modify the permalink field: permalink: :category/:title/
9. Article at the top
9.1 Installing Plug-ins
npm uninstall hexo-generator-index --save
npm install hexo-generator-index-pin-top --save
9.2 Add “top” to the articles to be placed at the top. The higher the value is, the more advanced the articles will be
title: 'GitHub + Hexo build your own blog (2) Next Theme configuration '
date: 2019-02-19 15:35:40
tags: [hexo,github]
categories: blog,hexo,next
top: 10
Copy the code
9.3 Setting the top mark
Open: /themes/*/layout/_macro/post.swig, navigate to
{% if %}
<i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i>
<font color=7D26CD>Placed at the top</font>
<span class="post-meta-divider">|</span>
{% endif %}
Copy the code
10. Hide the bottom of the page powered By Hexo
The first method: In the theme configuration file, find the footer and configure it as follows:
# Specify the date when the site was setup.
# If not defined, current year will be used.
#since: 2015
# Icon between year and copyright info.
icon: heart
# If not defined, will be used `author` from Hexo main config.
copyright: Sando
# -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
# Hexo link (Powered by Hexo).
powered: false
# Theme & scheme info link (Theme - NexT.scheme).
enable: false
# Version info of NexT after scheme info (vX.X.X).
version: false
Copy the code
Second method: open themes/next/layout/_partials/footer.swig and use
Hide the code between, or directly delete.
11. Statistical function
1. Install hexo-wordcount in the root directory and run NPM install hexo-wordcount –save 2. Then in the topic configuration file, configure the following:
# Post wordcount display settings
# Dependencies:
item_text: true
wordcount: true
min2read: true
totalcount: false
separated_meta: true
Copy the code
12. Word count at the bottom of the website
1. Install hexo-wordcount in the root directory and run NPM install hexo-wordcount –save 2. Then add the following to the end of the /themes/next/layout/_partials/footer.swig file:
<div class="theme-info">
<div class="powered-by"></div>
<span class="post-count">{{totalcount(site)}</span>
Copy the code
13, addREADME.mdfile
There is usually a readme. md file under each project, but there is no readme. md file under a project after deploying to the repository using hexo.
Add a readme. md file to the source root in the Hexo directory, modify the site configuration file _config.yml, and set the skip_render parameter to skip_render: readme. md
Modify the hashtag at the bottom of the article
Modify the template /themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig, search rel=”tag”># and replace # with #
15. Add RSS
NPM install –save hexo-generator-feed 2. Add the following content to the site configuration file _config.yml:
# Extensions
## Plugins:
plugins: hexo-generate-feed
Copy the code
3. Configure RSS in the topic configuration file.
rss: /atom.xml
Copy the code
4. After configuration, run hexo clean && hexo g && hexo S; 5. Rebuild and you will see the atom.xml file in the./public folder. Then start the server to see if it works before deploying to Github
16, click on the heart effect
1. Create a new love-.js file in the directory /themes/*/source/js/ SRC and copy the code into it.
! function (e, t, a) {
function n() {
c(".heart{width: 10px; height: 10px; position: fixed; background: #f00; transform: rotate(45deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); }.heart:after,.heart:before{content: ''; width: inherit; height: inherit; background: inherit; border-radius: 50%; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; position: fixed; }.heart:after{top: -5px; }.heart:before{left: -5px; }"), o(), r()
function r() {
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e].alpha <= 0 ? (t.body.removeChild(d[e].el), d.splice(e, 1)) : (d[e].y--, d[e].scale += 004., d[e].alpha -= 013., d[e] = "left:" + d[e].x + "px; top:" + d[e].y + "px; opacity:" + d[e].alpha + "; transform:scale(" + d[e].scale + "," + d[e].scale + ") rotate(45deg); background:" + d[e].color + "; z-index:99999");
function o() {
var t = "function"= =typeof e.onclick && e.onclick;
e.onclick = function (e) {
t && t(), i(e)
function i(e) {
var a = t.createElement("div");
a.className = "heart", d.push({
el: a,
x: e.clientX - 5.y: e.clientY - 5.scale: 1.alpha: 1.color: s()
}), t.body.appendChild(a)
function c(e) {
var a = t.createElement("style");
a.type = "text/css";
try {
} catch (t) {
a.styleSheet.cssText = e
t.getElementsByTagName("head") [0].appendChild(a)
function s() {
return "rgb("+ ~ ~ (255 * Math.random()) + ","+ ~ ~ (255 * Math.random()) + ","+ ~ ~ (255 * Math.random()) + ")"
var d = [];
e.requestAnimationFrame = function () {
return e.requestAnimationFrame || e.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || e.mozRequestAnimationFrame || e.oRequestAnimationFrame || e.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) {
setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
}(), n()
Copy the code
2. Add it before at the end of \themes\*\layout\_layout.swig
<! -- Page click little red heart -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/src/love.js"></script>
Copy the code
3. I chose the special effects of socialist core values, because we are all successors to socialism!!
(function() {
var T_color = "";// The font color is random if you don't set it.
var T_size = [10.20];// Text size range, not recommended too large
var T_font_weight = "bold";// Font gradient -->normal,bold,900
var AnimationTime = 1500;// The total number of milliseconds the text disappears
var Move_up_Distance = 388;// Text move distance, positive numbers represent up, vice versa
var a_index = 0;
var a = new Array("Rich"."Democracy"."Civilization"."Harmony"."Freedom"."Equality"."Justice" ,"The rule of law"."Patriotic"."Professional"."Good faith"."Friendly");
var $i = $("<span/>").text(a[a_index]);
a_index = (a_index + 1) % a.length;
var x = e.pageX,y = e.pageY;
var x_color = "#" + ('00000' + (Math.random() * 0x1000000 << 0).toString(16)).substr(- 6);//--> random color
x_color = T_color;
var x_size = Math.random()*(T_size[1]-T_size[0]) + T_size[0];
x_size += "px";
"z-index": 99999."top": y - 20."left": x,
"position": "absolute"."font-weight": "bold"."font-size":x_size,
"color": x_color
$i.animate({"top": y-Move_up_Distance,"opacity": 0},AnimationTime,function() { $i.remove(); }); }); }) ();Copy the code
17, modify the link text style in the article
1. Modify the themes\*\source\ CSS \_common\ Components \post\post.styl file and add the following CSS styles at the end:
// Link text styles within articles
.post-body p a{
color: #0593d3;
border-bottom: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid #0593d3;
&:hover {
color: #fc6423;
border-bottom: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid #fc6423; }}Copy the code
18. Add an “End of article” tag at the end of the article
1. Create a passage-end-tag.swig file in path \themes\*\layout\_macro and add the following contents:
{% if not is_index %}
<div style="text-align:center; color: #ccc; font-size:14px;">------------- End<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>Thank you for reading -------------</div>
{% endif %}
Copy the code
2. Open the themes\*\layout\_macro\post.swig file and add the following code after post-body and before post-footer.
{% if not is_index %}
{% include 'passage-end-tag.swig' %}
{% endif %}
Copy the code
3. Open the theme configuration file (_config.yml) and add the following at the end:
Add a "end of article" tag to the end of the article
enabled: true
Copy the code
4. After the above Settings are complete, add this image at the end of each post
19. Customize mouse styles
Open themes/*/source/ CSS /_custom/custom.styl and write the following code inside:
// Cursor style * {cursor: url(""),auto! important } :active { cursor: url(""),auto! important }Copy the code
Canvas background
In the theme configuration file, find the Canvas configuration item and apply the Canvas effects that come with NNext
Want to change color and quantity? Modify the file: / themes/next/source/lib/canvas – nest/canvas – nest. Min. Js, modify the reference
21. Modify the width of the content area
- Edit the source/ CSS /_variables/custom.styl file of the theme and add new variables:
$content-desktop = 700px; $Content-desktop - Large = 900pxCopy the code
- However, this method does not apply to Pisces Scheme, which needs to be modified at the same time
The width,.main-inner
And the width of.content-wrap
The width of the. For example, use percentages (the layout of Pisces is defined insource/css/_schemes/Picses/_layout.styl
.header{ width: 60%; }
.container .main-inner { width: 60%; }
.content-wrap { width: calc(100% - 260px); }
Copy the code
After exceeding a certain width (too much text in a line leads to too large line break span), the reading experience is not good. I adjusted the width to 60%, you can test and adjust by yourself
Reward function
1. Prepare alipay and wechat QR codes and store them in Themes /*/source/images 2. Set this in the topic configuration file (_config.yml)
# Reward
reward_comment: Thank you for the latiao!
wechatpay: /images/wechatpay.png
alipay: /images/alipay.jpg
Copy the code
3. Repair images flashing bug, modify the next/source/CSS / _common/components/post/post – reward. Styl, annotation wechat: hover and alipay: hover
23. Configure the Valine comment system
1.Valine is a fast, clean and efficient backend free review system based on Leancloud; 2. Obtain the APP ID and APP KEY of Leancloud, as described in Step 6. 3. Open the theme configuration file: themes/*/_config.yml;
# Valine.
# You can get your appid and appkey from
# more info please open
enable: true
appid: # your leancloud application appid
appkey: # your leancloud application appkey
notify: true # mail notifier ,
verify: false # Verification code
placeholder: Say something here... # comment box placeholder
avatar: identicon # comments header style/mm/identicon monsterid/wavatar/retro/hide
guest_info: nick,mail,link # custom comment header
pageSize: 10 # pagination size
Copy the code
4. For other configurations and email reminders, see the official website of Valline detailed configuration
24. Add a search function
1. Install hexo-generator-searchdb in the root directory, NPM install hexo-generator-searchdb –save; 2. Add the following fields to the site configuration file
path: search.xml
field: post
format: html
limit: 10000
Copy the code
3. Edit the subject configuration file to enable local search
# Local search
enable: true
Copy the code
No garlic son access statistics
1. Edit the configuration item of busuanzi_count in themes/*/_config.yml.
# count values only if the other configs are false
enable: true
# custom uv span for the whole site
site_uv: true
site_uv_header: <i class="fa fa-user"></i>
# custom pv span for the whole site
site_pv: true
site_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
# custom pv span for one page only
page_pv: true
page_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-file-o"></i>
Copy the code
2. Find the theme to call the non-theme swig file \themes*\layout_third-party\analytics\busuanzi-counter. Swig 3. Change the domain name
Add to the original:<script async src=""></script>Domain name change can be:<script async src=""></script>
Copy the code
26, add 404 public interface
1. Enter hexo new page 404 in the root directory. 2. Open the newly created page file, which is in the root directory of the Hexo folder /source/404/ by default. 3. Change the file name of to 404.html. 4. Write content in the document, Tencent Commonweal is used here;
-- Title: 404 Not Found: This page cannot display toc: false comments: false permalink: /404 --
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" homePageName="Back to home page" homePageUrl=""></script>
Copy the code
5. Change the link back to the home page to your own link.
Web code compression
There are a lot of blog posts on this topic. The normal way is to use gulp for compression, but it didn’t work, so we replaced it with hexo-Neat.
NPM install hexo-neat –save; 2. Modify the site configuration file and add the following code at the end.
# hexo-neat
# Blog compression
neat_enable: true
# compressed HTML
enable: true
# compress CSS
enable: true
- '**/*.min.css'
# compression js
enable: true
mangle: true
- '**/*.min.js'
- '**/jquery.fancybox.pack.js'
- '**/index.js'
Copy the code
3. Run hexo clean && hexo G && Hexo S to check the effect.
28. Add the beating heart at the bottom of the site
1. In the themes/*/_config.yml configuration file, change the footer;
icon: heart
Copy the code
2. Edit the TAB and add id=”heart” to span in /themes/*/layout/_partials/footer.swig.
<span class="with-love" id="heart">
Copy the code
3. Edit the CSS and change the style in themes/*/source/ CSS /_custom/custom.styl as follows:
@keyframes heartAnimate {0%,100%{transform:scale(1); Were 10% and 30%} {the transform: scale (0.9); } 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, {transform: scale (1.1); Were 50% and 70%} {the transform: scale (1.1); }} #heart {animation: heartAnimate 1.33s ease-in-out infinite; } .with-love { color: rgb(255, 113, 168); }Copy the code