Little secret

Create a repository with the same name as your Github repository, because the repository with the same name is a special repository, readme. md will appear on the home page

Github card statistics

Leverage the first open source librarygithub-readme-stats

GitHub Extra Pins

/api/pin? username=anuraghazra&repo=github-readme-statsCopy the code

Click here to test

GitHub Stats Card

/api? username=MissNanLanCopy the code

Click here to test

  • Hiding personal statistics

    Options: &hide=stars,commits,prs,issues,contribs

  • Add the private contribution count to the total commit count

    Options: &count_private=true

  • Display icon

    Options: &show_icons=true

  • According to the theme

    Options: &theme=dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula

    • Custom themes

Top Languages Card

Copy the code

Click here to test

Wakatime Week Stats


/api/wakatime? Usename = your Wakatime usernameCopy the code

Click here to test

1. Install your own IDE tools such as VScode on Wakatime

⌘ WakaTime to + Shift + P to own VSCode

Deploy your own using Vercel

1. Log in at Vercel using Github

2, the fork lot – readme – stats

3, Click On New Project and select Github – Readme-Stats from your repository

4. Configure environment variable PAT_1. This step is very important.

NAME is PAT_1, and Value is github’s individual authorization token

Create a Personal Access token.

On Github -> Settings ->Developer Settings >Personal Access Tokens ->New Personal Access Tokens, click Generate Token

6. Click To view Domain and customize it