Just two days ago, GitHub held its annual event, GitHub Universe, to reveal GitHub’s data changes and major actions for the year. The GitHub home page has been updated and the GitHub Octoverse 2017 report has been released. I’m going to take you through the report today.
It has been ten years since GitHub was founded in 2007. I am a long-time GitHub fan in China. I have witnessed the growth of GitHub over the years. Even global tech giants Like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft have embraced GitHub. If you don’t know GitHub by now, it’s out of date. By the way, I wrote a great GitHub tutorial. If you are not familiar with Git and GitHub, you can take it to learn. The public account “Googdev” can reply to the keyword “GitHub” for free.
With 337 programming languages available this year, GitHub now represents technology trends for developers around the world, publishing data and reports that are a useful reference for all programmers.
GitHub publishes a lot of data, which I won’t read into, but basically, there are more developers on GitHub, the REPo is growing faster, and it’s reaching more countries. Let me highlight the most important statistic, which is the top 15 most popular programming languages on GitHub in 2017:
GitHub ranks this number based on the number of PR submissions in the last 12 months, and while it’s not entirely accurate, PR at least represents the popularity and popularity of the project, which is still credible. As regular readers know, I also read GitHub’s 2016 annual report last year, and the same 15 programming languages are still on the list, which is understandable, after all, it is impossible to make a huge change in a year, but there are some changes in the ranking.
Javascript is still number one and far ahead, which is no surprise. If you just look at this report, you might think that Javascript is taking over the programming world. As I mentioned earlier on googdev, some of the early open source projects on GitHub were related to the Web front-end. So GitHub on the Web front-end projects, developers are many, coupled with the cross-platform requirements and Web front-end field emerging in an endless stream of frameworks, resulting in GitHub Javascript ranked first every year.
It is worth noting that Python replaced Java in the second place, which seems to be just a difference, but Java is widely used in a wide range of applications, from mobile to server, and its own base is large. In this case, The replacement of Java by Python shows the popularity of Python over the past year, and according to the data, python-related PR increased by 40% compared to 2016. There is no doubt that the popularity of Python is due to the popularity of artificial intelligence and data analysis related fields. Remember that IN my 2016 report, I said that if you want to learn a programming language, I recommend Python and Ruby as the first choice. In addition, some time ago, I wrote an article entitled “What is the most promising programming language in the next five years?” Python is still recommended, but the age of artificial intelligence is just beginning, and Python will only be used more widely in the future.
The fact that TensorFlow was number one in last year’s top 10 shows that more and more people are interested in AI and are learning about it, and that many developers today are embracing the future because the open source community has made us more open. It also makes it far cheaper for us to accept, learn, and learn new things.
On the other hand, we’ve seen objective-C rank drop, with even fewer PR submissions this year than last, and OC being the dominant language for iOS development, combined with Java’s decline, mobile development is on the decline, and probably for the first time this year. In its essence is that smartphones have become more popular, when you grandma and grandpa’s time to have a smart phone, it just means that the end of the smartphone market share has been largely, and combined with traffic basic now occupied by some giant head, the era of mobile traffic to get more and more difficult, it is more and more difficult also to mobile business, The market for natural mobile development cannot continue to grow.
Mobile development, however, it is true that the market is not so hot, but couldn’t find a job, doesn’t mean that mobile development now stable development of the company mobile development is indispensable, lack of capability of the real people, so, if you have been engaged in mobile development, need not too much anxiety, focus on improving its technology is king, and if you want to learn programming career change, It is no longer recommended to learn mobile development from 0.
Of course, there are some other interesting data, which will not be introduced here. If you are interested, you may wish to see it here.
Making the report for us in the future technology trend judgment has great reference significance, and the Internet industry most afraid of is stuck in the past, do not keep pace with The Times, with the technological, we should constantly update their, not conformity, but want to embrace change, only in this way, we can be in an impregnable position in the trend of The Times.
Finally, thanks to GitHub, thanks to the open source spirit, we can make technology in line with the world, but also change the way we learn new things.
This article is originally published in the wechat public account “Googdev”, programming, career, thinking, follow and reply to the keywords “GitHub”, “Android”, “Python”, “Java”, “AI” and so on to get free learning materials.