github action

The concept is introduced

Ability to introduce

  • Support branches build, test, package, Release, or deploy
  • Support end-to-end Continuous integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Supports building on third-party cloud platforms, Github platforms, and developers’ own servers
  • There are three types of actions supported: Same-Repository Action, Public Action Repository, and Github Action Market
  • Support for events to trigger specific builds
  • Supports sending health status notifications by email
  • Only github servers have restrictions

The term is introduced

  • Action: Minimum execution unit of Workflow
  • Artifact: An intermediate file produced by a workflow run, including logs, test results, and so on
  • Continuous Integration (CI) : Automated build and test
  • Continuous Deployment (CD) : Automatic deployment
  • Event: the trigger workflow
  • GitHub- Hosted Runner: A VM on the Githut platform
  • Job: Decomposition of Workflow, serialized dependencies; Can be parallel
  • Runner: Running environment
  • Self-hosted Runner: The developer’s own new environment
  • Step: Job decomposition

Github platform server restrictions

  • A REPO can run up to 20 workflows simultaneously. If the number exceeds 20, wait in line
  • Each job in a Workflow can run for a maximum of six hours. Over, straight to the end
  • Jobs in all branches have different restrictions based on the Github level. If exceeded, enter the queue and wait.
  • A maximum of 1000 requests per hour is 1.5 API /1m
  • If you use any action, you may get your account banned from Github
GitHub plan Total concurrent jobs Maximum concurrent macOS jobs
Free 20 5
Pro 40 5
Team 60 5
Enterprise 180 15
  • Github generates usage statistics

The action yml file

Grammatical structure

name: Greet Everyone
# This workflow is triggered on pushes to the repository.
on: [push]

    # Job name is Greeting
    name: Greeting
    # This job runs on Linux
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # This step uses GitHub's hello-world-javascript-action:
      - name: Hello world
        uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@v1
          who-to-greet: 'Mona the Octocat'
        id: hello
      # This step prints an output (time) from the previous step's action.
      - name: Echo the greeting's time
        run: echo 'The time was ${{ steps.hello.outputs.time }}.'
Copy the code

How do I create yML files

*. Github /workflows Created. Yml or. Yaml variable names that were prefixed with * GITHUB_. * Environment variables are case sensitive * Action Secrets must be placed in environment variables or as input,Copy the code

step secret

  - name: Hello world
    run: echo Hello world $FIRST_NAME $middle_name $Last_Name!
      FIRST_NAME: Mona
      middle_name: The
      Last_Name: Octocat
Copy the code
- name: My first action
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    FIRST_NAME: Mona
    LAST_NAME: Octocat
Copy the code
- name: Hello world action
  with: # Set the secret as an input
    super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}
  env: # Or as an environment variable
    super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}
Copy the code

Yml syntax rules

Express grammatical

Use skills


  - uses: actions/setup-node@74bc508 # Reference a specific commit
  - uses: actions/setup-node@v1      # Reference the major version of a release
  - uses: actions/[email protected]    # Reference a minor version of a release
  - uses: actions/setup-node@master  # Reference a branch
Copy the code


# push 
name: descriptive-workflow-name
on: push
Copy the code
# per hour on: schedule: -cron: '0 * * * *'Copy the code
-master tags: -v1 # File paths to consider in the event. Optional; defaults to all. paths: - 'test/*'Copy the code

Github host Operating environment

runs-on: ubuntu-latest 
Copy the code

The github server uses the following unified configuration:

* 2-core CPU
* 7 GB of RAM memory
* 14 GB of SSD disk space
Copy the code

Linux is recommended. The resource consumption varies with the ratio.

* Linux :1, * Window :2 * MAC :10.Copy the code


runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, ARM32]
Copy the code
Refer to the action
  • public repo
{owner}/{repo}@{ref} or {owner}/{repo}/{path}@{ref}. 
Copy the code
  • same repo
@ {owner} / {'} {ref} the or. / path/to/dir | - hello - world (repository) | | __. Making | └ ─ ─ workflows | └ ─ ─ My - first - workflow. Yml | └ ─ ─ the actions | | __ hello world - action | └ ─ ─ action. Yml jobs: build: runs - on: ubuntu-latest steps: # This step checks out a copy of your repository. - uses: actions/checkout@v1 # This step references the directory that contains the action. - uses: .. /github/actions/hello-world-actionCopy the code
  • docker container
Copy the code

According to the workflow status

! []( the code

Using the command line

    - name: My first step
      uses: docker://
    - name: Install Dependencies
      run: npm install
      shell: bash
Copy the code

With the reference

    - name: My first step
      uses: actions/hello_world@master
        first_name: Mona
        middle_name: The
        last_name: Octocat   
Copy the code

First_name will be converted to INPUT_FIRST_NAME

If GITHUB_TOKEN is not met, you can use personal Accesss_token

The action management

Read permission Allows you to view logs

You can stop an action only with write permission

step debug

Copy the code

runner debug

Copy the code

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