This is the fourth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

One, foreword

Before writing a blog with the figure of the bed is ali cloud oss, use every time need to put the photos uploaded to the server, WeChat public image is also need to upload local, very trouble, and seven cows like clouds and ali cloud will charge a fee, so later if you use online blog platform bed, simple and convenient because, However, this kind of platform will add a watermark to the picture, affecting the quality of the picture, so you need to find a good map bed to store their pictures.

What is a chart bed?

Graph bed is a repository of personal images that you can easily insert online photo links into your blog posts. Once you set up your chart bed, you can preview any images you insert in your blog.

After knowing that Github can be used as a map bed, but Github is a foreign website with slow access speed. Although it can be accelerated through CDN, I immediately took action after knowing that Gitee in China can also be used as a map bed, and finally settled the personal map bed.

PicGo is an excellent picbed tool, which can quickly upload pictures and obtain picture URL links. It can support weibo, Ali Cloud, Seven Niuyun, Github, and shoot cloud and other platforms to upload pictures.

The final solution strategy is:

  • 1. Gitee as warehouse: code cloud

  • 2. PicGo as graphic bed software:

    • The official guide

    • Download address

      Install exe on Windows, DMG on MacOs, and tar.gz on Linux

  • 3. Typora/Youdao Cloud Note: Excellent Markdown tool

Two, build tutorial

2.1 Create a warehouse on Gitee

Log in to the Gitee platform, create the repository, and initialize it. Warehouse name and path custom, public.

This is what it looks like in the end.

2.2 Creating a private token

Save the generated token.

2.3 installation PicGo

At the beginning of the use of this software, I found that how to double click can not be opened, under the suspicion of the version is wrong. Turns out it doesn’t have to do with the version,

Two things need to happen:

  • 1. Install Node.js 8 or later.
  • 2. Configure environment variables

Feature: % APPDATA % \ picgo \ data. The json

Once you’ve done those two things, you’ll find this little icon in your taskbar, click on it and open the app.

Search for gitee in plug-in Settings to install and upload the plug-in.

Github configuration information:

Repo: user name/warehouse name branch: Master Token: Token Path: img customPath: leave this parameter blank customUrl: leave this parameter blankCopy the code

Upload pictures

3.1 Mode 1: Shortcut Keys

Set up a shortcut key, such as CTRL + Shift + V, after taking a screenshot, press this shortcut key to upload the image directly, and then CTRL + V can copy the image in the warehouse

3.2 Mode 2: Typora Configuration

Preferences in Typora

Verify that the image upload option is successful.

If it fails, go to picGo’s log file to see why it failed. It’s generally easy to implement.

Then directly copy the picture, paste, right click file upload, the picture will become the warehouse address.

3.3 Drag Directly

Directly pull the image to Typora to complete the image upload.

Four, summary

Compact, convenient and efficient free map bed building guide is finally completed, to find their own pictures of a small home. Personally like the first way, shortcut keys simple and efficient.

Finally, typora + picGo+Gitee really smells good!

Finally, the typora+picGo software installation package is also packaged, with typora crazy god CSS style, do not understand Typora can see crazy god this video: Typora usage.