Column catalog

  • Gitbook introduction
  • Gitbook installation
  • Gitbook is easy to use
  • Gitbook plug-in introduction
  • Gitbook error handling

Column details


Gitbook introduction

GitBook is a command line tool based on Node.js. You can use Github/Git and Markdown to produce beautiful electronic documents. GitBook default output format, generated static site * PDF: need to install gitbook-pdf * eBook: need to install ebook-convert * single HTML page: JSON: Generally used for eBook debugging or metadata extraction. To make an eBook using GitBook, you must have two files: [main page] [sidebar page]Copy the code

Gitbook installation

-v # Install Gitbook multiversion hosting tool to host multiple versions of Gitbook at the same time. Gitbook -v install Gitbook -v install Gitbook -v install Gitbook -cli -g It is recommended to use 3.0.0 gitbook fetch 3.0.0 # to enter your project folder, Gitbook init # Generate two basic files: readme. md and summary. md # Start Gitbook Serve # Specify the Gitbook version to start Gitbook Serve --gitbook=3.0.0 # Gitbook --help # uninstall gitbook Specify that the Gitbook version generates static files, Gitbook build will be downloaded first if not locally --gitbook=3.0.0 # List all gitbook versions locally gitbook ls # List all gitbook versions remotely available gitbook ls-remote # Gitbook build --log=debug # Output error message gitbook builid Gitbook PDF. [PDF_Name]Copy the code

Gitbook is easy to use

Write the main interface of the Gitbook project in readme. md, and summary. md is an example of the property readme. md in the sidebar of the Gitbook interface

# Introduction to the main interface------ A brief description of this document### Directory introduction
* [Directory 1] (
* [Directory 2] (
* [Directory 3] (
* [Directory of 4] (
Copy the code

The SUMMARY. The md example

* [Directory 1] (
* [Directory 2] (
* [Directory 3] (
* [Directory of 4] (
Copy the code

Json can be created in the project root directory to implement the global configuration file information

    "title": "MedusaSorcerer's blog document."."author": "MedusaSorcerer"."description": "MedusaSorcerer's blog document."."language": "zh-hans"."gitbook": "3.0.0"."structure": {
        "readme": ""
    "plugins": [
        "-highlight"."-github"."-search"."-lunr"."livereload"."back-to-top-button"."code"."prism"."copy-code-button"."search-pro"."splitter"."-sharing-plus"."tbfed-pagefooter"."click-reveal"]."pluginsConfig": {
        "tbfed-pagefooter": {
            "modify_label": "Revision date of this document:"."modify_format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"}},"links": {
        "sidebar": {
            "Blog homepage": ""
        "sharing": {
            "google": false."facebook": false."twitter": false."weibo": false."all": false}}}Copy the code
The keyword describe The sample
title The project title MedusaSorcerer’s blog docs
author Project the author MedusaSorcerer
description Project Description
language The project language See the table below
gitbook Gitbook Version information 3.0.0
structure Structural information {“readme”: “ “} specifies the file for readme
plugins Name of the plug-in that you want to install or disable
pluginsConfig The installed plug-in requires a custom configuration
links.sidebar Add additional links to the document {” Blog home “:”Juejin. Cn/user / 280560…{name: address}
links.sharing Configuration to enable or disable icon links for documents

List of supported languages, differences between versions, for reference only

Language shorthand describe Language shorthand describe
en English ar The Arabic language
bn Malay cs Czech
de German es Spanish
fa Persian fi Finnish
fr French he Hebrew
it Italian ja Japanese
ko Korean no Norwegian
pl polish pt Portuguese
ro Romanian ru Russian
sv Swedish uk Ukrainian
vi Vietnamese
zh-hans Simplified Chinese zh-tw Traditional Chinese

Gitbook plug-in introduction

Highlight Search sharing font- Settings Livereload is enabled by default when a plugin is installed using the “plug-in name” to register in the plugins

The plug-in name describe Take a chestnut
highlight Code highlighting
search Navigation bar English search function
font-settings font
livereload Reload the GitBook in real time
disqus Add a Disqus comment “plugins”: [



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “disqus”: {

        “shortName”: “gitbookuse”


search-pro Support Chinese search, need to be

The default search plugin is removed
“plugins”: [




“pluginsConfig”: {

    “search-pro”: {

        “cutWordLib”: “nodejieba”,

        “defineWord” : [“Gitbook Use”]


advanced-emoji Emoji support “plugins”: [


github Add the Github icon “plugins”: [ 



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “github”: {

        “url”: “Juejin. Cn/user / 280560…


ace Make gitbook support ACE “plugins”: [


emphasize Background the text “plugins”: [


katex Support mathematical formula “plugins”: [


include-codeblock Use code block format to display

Shows the contents of the contained file
“plugins”: [


mermaid Support rendering Avi charts “plugins”: [


splitter Make the sidebar width freely adjustable “plugins”: [


sharing Share current page, default plug-in “plugins”: [



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “sharing”: {

        “weibo”: true,

        “facebook”: true,

        “twitter”: true,

        “google”: false,

        “instapaper”: false,

        “vk”: false,

        “all”: [

            “facebook”, “google”, “twitter”,

                “weibo”, “instapaper”



tbfed-pagefooter Add a footer to the page “plugins”: [



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “tbfed-pagefooter”: {

        “copyright”:”Copyright &copy 2015″,

“Modify_label “:” This file was modified at: “,

        “modify_format”: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss”



toggle-chapters Make the section catalog on the left collapsible “plugins”: [


sectionx Display the page in chunks “plugins”: [


codeblock-filename Add the file name for the code block “plugins”: [


ga Google statistics “plugins”: [



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “ga”: {

        “token”: “UA-XXXX-Y”


baidu Baidu statistics “plugin”: [



“pluginsConfig”: {

    “baidu”: {

        “token”: “YOUR TOKEN”



Gitbook error handling

  1. performnpm install gitbook-cli -gDownload failed
    Go to your Users\ Current User \AppData\Roaming\ NPM \node_modules directory and check whether there is a gitbook-cli directory if there is one, delete the gitbook-cli directory If the directory does not exist, Uninstall the Gitbook legacy files using NPM and retry the downloadCopy the code
  2. After the modified project file is saved,gitbook serveHot loading is not supported

    When you modify the Gitbook project and save it, the serve restart prompts that the mkdir operation cannot be used, so that the purpose of restart cannot be achieved

    Then you need to do the following:
    • Find what you downloadedgitbookVersion folder: normally locatedUsers\ Current user \.gitbook\versions\The folder name corresponding to the version number will be displayed below
    • Find it in the corresponding version folderlib\cli\serve.jsfile
    • Copy the following code to placeserve.jsIn the file
      /* First line of code */
      const fs=require("fs");
      /* Any blank space */
      function deleteFolder(path) {
      let files = [];
      if( fs.existsSync(path) ) {
          files = fs.readdirSync(path);
              let curPath = path + "/" + file;
              if(fs.statSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {
              } else{ fs.unlinkSync(curPath); }}); fs.rmdirSync(path); }}Copy the code
    • inserve.jsFind the bodygenerateBook
    • Within the functionvar outputFolder = getOutputFolder(args);Write the following code on another line
      if (server.isRunning()) deleteFolder(outputFolder)
      Copy the code
    • Save and exit, restart Gitbook, and find that hot loading has taken effect

    Note:When you stop the service, if the service does not automatically delete the _book folder, you need to manually delete the _book folder` `

  3. Gitbook not found after installationgitbookinstruction
    Need to add Gitbook variable Path Users\ Current User \AppData\Roaming\ NPM in your environmentCopy the code
  4. usegitbook pdf . pdfname.pdfThe PEF file encoding is incorrect
    ① Download the installation package from and install it locally ② Right-click the installation desktop icon to find the installation PATH and copy it ③ Right-click my computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> User Variables -> Select PATH -> Edit ④ Paste the file path to the blank line at the end of the file to save and exit. ⑤ Open CMD or another interactive window and run the gitbook commandCopy the code