GIT Remote Operation

1. Create an SSH key

(1) How to generate:

1, run ssh-keygen -t rsa-b 4096-c in cmder

2. Keep pressing the space until no prompt is prompted

3. Run cat to open to obtain the public key content

4. Open GitHub and enter the public key on the Settings page

(2) How to test the successful pairing:

Run SSH -t [email protected] in cmder and type yes and press Enter to ask yes/no

2. Upload local warehouse to GitHub

(1) Create a GitHub Repo, copy its SSH address, copy the code in the page, and do not change the rest

1.Git remote add origin git@xxxxxx

Add the remote repository address locally. Origin is the default name of the remote repository. You are not advised to change the name

Do not use https:// addresses, as passwords need to be changed each time

2.git push -u origin master

Push local master to branch to master branch of remote Origin

If you are prompted to git pull, git pull

① Git pull is used to merge a remote branch into a local branch. If the remote branch has not been updated, you can ignore git pull

②-u origin master, set the upstream branch, no longer set the upstream branch, directly git pull; git push

(2) open the code directory to be uploaded in vscode, create a terminal, paste the copied code, and upload a branch of the local warehouse

(3) How to upload other branches

Git push origin x:x

Git Checkout x

​ git push -u origin x

Third, download the remote warehouse to the local

Git clone git@xxx[target path]

Git clone usage

Git clone git@? /xxx.git

Git is a local repository, usually followed by CD XXX

Git clone git@? /xxx.git yyy

The yyy directory will be created locally. Remember to CD YYy

Git clone git@? /xxx.git .

The last character is a dot, note the space

Instead of creating a new directory, use the current directory to hold your code and.git, preferably empty

Upload to two remote warehouses

Application: Upload to Github and Gitee in China

git remote add repo2 git@xxx

git push -u repo2 master

Use bash alias to simplify commands

(1) touch ~/.bashrc


echo ‘alias ga=”git add”‘>> ~/.bashrc

echo ‘alias gc=”git commit -v”‘>> ~/.bashrc

echo ‘alias gl=”git pull”‘>> ~/.bashrc

echo ‘alias gp=”git push”‘>> ~/.bashrc

echo ‘alias gco=”git checkout”‘>> ~/.bashrc

echo ‘alias gst=”git status -sb”‘>> ~/.bashrc

(3) Then restart the command line or run source ~/.bashrc

Seven, git stash

Temporarily hide code in a space that needs to be pulled out with a Git Stash pop