Git log Displays the commit history
Git reset –hard HEAD… (Note that my submission ID is not the same as yours), the previous version was HEAD^, and the previous version was HEAD^^
Git reflog git reflog git reflog
Git checkout — readme.txt git checkout — readme.txt git checkout — readme.txt git checkout — readme.txt git checkout — readme.txt
The git reset command can roll back both the version and the changes made in the staging area to the workspace. Git checkout — test.txt git checkout — test.txt
Git Checkout replaces the version in your workspace with the version in your repository. Return to the remote repository state
Discard all local changes and return to the remote repository.
Show the difference between workspaces and staging areas
Delete branches that have been merged with master
Shows how a local branch is associated with a remote warehouse
List all remote branches
Lists local and remote branches
Create and switch to the local branch
Deleting a Local Branch
Deleting a Remote Branch
Rename the local branch
Abandon workspace modifications
Return to a COMMIT state and delete subsequent commits
Modify the description of the last commit
Viewing Commit History
View changes within two weeks
Put A commit from branch A on branch B
Export a branch to a file
Forced to push
Git push: Merge branch ‘master’ of…
If you’re using Git Bash, just use Git pull –rebase. If the pull does not cause conflicts, rebase will be performed directly, and no branch merge operation will be performed. If there are conflicts, you need to manually fix and merge them.