git command

You can watch a Git tutorial written by God Liao xuefeng

  • git init

    Initialize a Git repository

  • git remote add origin <git@server-name:path/repo-name.git>

    Associated remote library

  • git clone


  • git checkout -b <name> or git switch -c <name>

    Check out branch PR-branch and switch to the new branch

  • git checkout -b <new-branch> origin/<remote-branch>

    Check out the remote branch remote-branch to the local and name it new-branch

  • git commit

    Local submission

  • git pull

    Remote updates pulled to local

  • git remote update origin --prune

    Updating remote libraries

  • git push

    Push from local to remote

  • git merge c2

    Merge the C2 branch content into the current branch

  • git rebase c2

    Synchronize the latest commit from the C2 branch to the current branch and make it a linear commit

  • git checkout c2^

    Detach HEAD to point to the parent of C2

  • git checkout c2~2

    Make it point to the parent of c2’s parent

  • git branch -f c2 HEAD~2

    Reassigns branch C2 to the parent of the parent of the current branch

  • git reset HEAD~1

    Move the current branch back to the earlier commit to recover the changes

  • git revert HEAD

    Overrides the current branch, reverses the last commit, and commits again to undo the previous changes

  • git push -u origin master

    Git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push = git push

  • git pull

    Git fetch, git merge

  • git pull --rebase

    Git fetch, git rebase, is the equivalent of a local merge commit

  • Rebase benefits

    For a better commit tree, it is better to use the rebase operation. This allows you to see each commit linearly, without increasing the commit node. When the merge operation encounters a conflict, the current merge operation cannot continue. After manually modifying the conflicting content, add and commit will do the job. A rebase operation interrupts rebase and prompts you to resolve the conflict. After the conflict is resolved, modify add and run git rebase -continue to continue, or git rebase -skip to ignore the conflict.Copy the code

  • git stash

    Storage field work (storing things that have been tracked in git repositories but not committed)

  • git stash list

    View storage area

  • git stash apply stash@{0}

    Restore the storage area without deleting the contents of the storage area and wait for the commit

  • git stash pop

    Restore the storage area and delete the contents of the storage area and wait for the commit

  • git stash drop stash@{0}

    Delete the contents of the storage area

  • git cherry-pick 4c805e2

    Copy a specific commit to the current branch

  • git tag <tagname> ? <commit ID>

    Create a new label, HEAD by default, or you can specify a COMMIT ID

  • git tag -a <tagname> -m "This is a tag"

    You can specify label information

  • git tag

    View all labels

  • git show <tagname>

    View a label

  • git tag -d <tagname>

    Delete a label

  • git push origin <tagname>

    Push a local label to the remote

  • git push origin --tags

    Push all unpushed local tags

  • git push origin :refs/tags/<tagname>

    Delete a remote label
