Set or view the user name and mailbox
- Git config — global-l
- Modify global username and mailbox:
- Git config –global git config –global
- Git config –global
- Git config — local-l
- Modify local user names and email addresses:
- Git config –local git config –local
- Git config –local
Clearing a User Name
git config --global credential.helper wincred
git credential-manager uninstall
Copy the code
Store user names and passwords
Git config --global credential.helper store git config --global credential.helper storeCopy the code
The fallback version
- Git reset –hard HEAD^ (HEAD^^ previous version, and so on)
- After reset, the previous version is not visible. To retrieve it, run the following command: git reflog
Git reset –hard 1a2552b
The remote library has done a fallback commit
- Commit after rollback: Git push (error if version is older than remote library)
- Strong commit after rollback: git push -f
Git revert is used to “reverse” a version to undo changes made to that version. For example, we commit three releases (version 1, version 2, and version 3) and suddenly discover that version 2 doesn’t work (e.g. Git revert () ¶ If you want to undo version 2 without having to undo version 3, you can use git revert to reverse version 2 and create a new version 4 that retains version 3 and undoes version 2.…).
- Git revert -n version number
Failed to upload a large file. Procedure
Remote: error: File android/java_pid81583.hprof is 536.13 MB; This GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB exceeds GitHub
Change method: Delete the large file android/ javA_pid81583. hprof
git filter-branch --force --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch android/java_pid81583.hprof" --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all // You can modify the log after deleting. Git commit --amend // You can commit git push again after deletingCopy the code
Delete the branch
- Git branch -d branch name
- Git push origin –delete the branch name