Git git
Git clone Automatically executes git init git remote
Git init initializes the repository
Git add file name (add file to Git repository)
Git commit -m
Git status check git cache status
Git remote add Alias Git address
Git push an alias on a local branch: the remote branch pushed to is master by default.
Git remote -v
Git pull downloads the remote repository code
Git Stash clears cache files
Git apply restores cache files
Git config –global –list
Git config –global Git config –global
Git log is used to view log rollback
Git reflog Displays all local logs
Git reset to a hash point
Git Stash reports code errors to the workspace
Git Stash apply falls back into the cache
Git diff to see which files have changed
Git snapshots
git flow
Git branch Displays branches
Git branch creates a branch
Git branch -d deletes a branch
Git chekcout -b copies the code and creates a branch to switch under the branch
Git checkout — (filename) Change file changes in the cache
Git fetch (alias) (branch name) pulls but does not change the local repository
Git merge Merges branches into the current branch
Git fetch (alias) (remote branch):(local branch) pull remote branch to local branch
Git reset –hard head^
Git reset HEAD uncheck the file in the cache
Git reset –hard head Deletes all files in the cache
Git tag (tag) Creates a tag
Git tag -d (tag) Deletes a tag
Git push — Tags push a Tag remotely
Git push (alias) :refs/tags/(Tag) Remove remote tags
Git push (alias):(branch name) deletes the remote branch
Git branch -d (branch name) Deletes the local branch name