Install git Flow stable

Mac installation

brew install git-flow-avh
Copy the code

Win10 installation

Git Flow can be used to install git flow on Windows

Create a Vue project using VUE-CLI

vue init webpack multi-webpack-demo
Copy the code

Git flow operation

Git Flow can be used only after you initialize git init in the project directory. Otherwise, an error will be reported

git init 
Copy the code

git flow init
Copy the code

Create the feature/1.0.0 branch and switch to it

Git flow feature start 1.0.0Copy the code

After the feature/1.0.0 branch is developed, merge the branch into the Develop branch

Git flow feature Finish 1.0.0Copy the code

Git flow release start 1.0.0Copy the code

Create hotfix/ Bugfix branches when bugs appear in release/1.0.0 branch regression tests

git flow hotfix start bugfix
Copy the code

git flow hotfix finish bugfix
Copy the code

Git Flow release Finish 1.0.0Copy the code