Git FaQs and Solutions

I believe you all have some problems with using Git to submit remote repository. I hope to help you by sorting out some common error messages and solutions

Without further ado! Serving…

Fatal: Remote origin already exists.

Type the command

<$gitRemote add origin account name/project name git >Copy the code

Error message:

fatal: remote origin already exists.Copy the code


1. Enter first

$git remote rm originCopy the code

2. Enter again

$gitRemote add Origin account name/project name.gitCopy the code

Error: Failed to push som refs to….

$git push origin masterCopy the code

Error message:

error:failed to push som refs to....Copy the code


1. Synchronize data with the remote server first

$ git pull origin masterCopy the code

2. Submit the data from the local warehouse to the remote server

$ git push origin masterCopy the code

Git pull: “Auto packing the repository in background for Optimum performance”

git pullCopy the code

Error message

Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performanceCopy the code

When git deletes branches or clears stash files, these files are not actually deleted and become dangling objects. You can use merge to recover files from them.


1. Enter the following command:

git fsck --lost-foundCopy the code

You can see a lot of dangling Commit

2. Empty them

git gc --prune=nowCopy the code
